The Administrator

In my work in academic advising, I found that it was the Administrators wrote the books which tell us that "if you don't have a goal your life will never come together" It is true for them but not for anybody else. _____in his book Stop setting Goals If You'd Rather Solve Problems, writes of his experience doing goal setting workshops with engineers, and discovering after twenty years that some people would rather solve problems than set and accomplish goals. As I listen through his words for his giftings, My guess is that he is an administrator-encourager, and the group he worked with was made up of a mix of these two types. What _____didn't realize was that there are five more personality types, and those folks do not want to do either goal setting or problem solving. There are many ways to organize life, and these are just two centralizing focus activities available for use.

Comments I Have Heard Administrators Make - Arranged By Theme

Over the years, I have used this model informally in my work, particularly with students, I have made note of the comments they have made about their own life experiences. These are summarized by theme on the following pages: