A Poetic Journey Through Cancer-Land (Volume II) Chronological Index
Aspects of Personal Growth (Continued)
{A note about the context.}
These are reflections made during my journey through "cancer-land" in chronological order (from Oct7/08 --7 months after initial cancerous polyp partially removed on Mar.13/08 - location unknown):
- Volume 1: (Oct 7/08 - June 30/09) From triage issues to finally getting some attention, resulting in a pause while two additional "thingies" on lungs are checked out. To Top of A Journey Through Cancer-Land Volume I (Poems #1-171)
- Volume 2: (July 1/09 - Aug 18/09) (Poems # 172- 209 )
Volume II
Conclusion (# 172-209):
" 2-4-6-8 " - July/4/09
" The Quarterback " - July/10/09
" 'The Triumph Of Hope Over Reality' " - July/12/09
" Resonances " - July/15/09
" A Week Now Since His Quiet Laugh " - July/17/09
" If You Had Fifty Days To Live " - July/17/09
" Freedom's Choice " - July/19/09
" The Snap Of Others' Work " - July/22/09
" Lies' Eyes " - July/24/09
" The Speed Bump [Poem withheld at present in consideration of circumstances]" - July/24/09
" The Runner " - July/24/09
" Some Serve" - July/24/09
"Pandemic Of Silence" - July/26/09
"Silence In Economics" - July/26/09
"Isaiah's Band" - July/27/09
"Making Peace" - July/27/09
"Saying Grace" - July/28/09
"Avocation" - July/31/09
"TGIS (Thank God It's Sunday" - August/2/09
"Forty Years" - August/2/09
"Brandon's New Bridge" - August/2/09
"To Love Again" - August/2/09
"Without Constraint" - August/3/09
"First Job" - August/4/09
"A Creenglish Look At Kenya" - August/8/09
"A Change In Style" - August/6-9/09
"What Is This Child's Name?" - August/10/09
Hope In Small Packages - August/11/09
Two Languages Of Love - August/11/09
‘Map’ - The Code For ‘Books’ - August/13/09
The Workman - August/14/09
“Over-against” - August/14/09
"The Deep Longing Of My Soul" - August/15/09
"Dim The Rear-View Mirror" - August/15/09
"Our Goodbyes" - August/16/09
"Habdalah - Letting Go" - August/16/09
"The Butterfly" - August/18/09
[Shift To New Poem Segment - "Evolution of an Apostolic (cross cultural) Ministry]