Habdalah – Letting Go

Now Habdalah – letting go
Of the many things I know;
So important now to me –
Central concept – sets me free.

Letting go to now move on
From the night to coming dawn;
Jews each week had day of rest
Habdalah ended this best –

Of all days; in new work-week
First three days memory replete
With this savored, precious, day –
Thoughts of God and time for play.

Then three days of looking to
Coming day of rest unto,
Especially as week wore on
(Impact of last Sabbath gone).

Special day is Sabbath rest
Of all days considered best;
But when day of rest is done –
Habdalah with setting sun.

Things don’t end too well for me,
Rolling my horizon, see,
Found as I go on each mile
End-time pushes on a while.

All connects up to the rest
Inter-linking worst with best;
Habdalah a boundary lays
Separating weeks of days.

That is helpful – try again,
Every week fresh starts contain;
Seven days enough to deal,
Joy or pain for one to feel.

Seven seven’s, plus one day more,
Omar now gives room to score;
Then aside each Omar put
Brand new try and brand new look.

End of holiday is near
Nestled in first Omar here;
Now as I go forth this week
Habdalah – new road I seek.
