Many Hands
Though many hands make light the work
How slow I’ve been to learn this perk
Of working with a team that’s skilled
Instead of solo work that’s killed.The music people songs they brought
Which set a tone beyond my thought
Technician for the PowerPoint
Corrected sync from out of joint.The staff in sound booth floated pots
Adjusted mikes, cut feedback loss.
The ushers welcomed, eased the way
Then coffee people capped the day.The elevator man accessed
Participation without stress
The storyteller awed he kids
Then prayed and blessed those in her midst.A hundred other people too
Did parts unseen by me and you
So when I came to do my part
I said my piece and gave my art.A one-man-band can sound OK
But sharing work’s a better way
Each person’s skill can grow throughout
Long weeks of this, beyond a doubt.For me, by doing much ahead
Left me to concentrate instead
On task at hand, get points across
Alert much more when folks got lost.At end I let it all just go
Not drained, as when I had been so
Distracted by so many things –
Released to just the message bring.navigation