Dare I To Hope

Dare I to hope – I think the pills are working!
     Immune-suppressed the virus swept with might
          The searing pain then face-distorting torment
               Attacking eye and clouding out my sight.

I thanked you Lord that just one side’s affected
     When Shingles struck out from its waiting lair
          And climbed the nerves and fanned across my forehead
               From fifty years of patient waiting there.

The Chicken Pox hit all us baby boomers
     We brushed it off and soon returned to school
          But no one spoke its later devastation
              Nerve-base providing now its waiting pool .

The danger high that I could lose my vision
      If pressure built and took out optic nerve
          The women worked their modern poultice mixes
               Strange foe to halt -- the prayer of faith to serve.

‘Med’sun’ arrayed in tubes and vials before her
     Like organ keys and stops new chords to shape
          Solo, duet, then trio worked the keyboard,
               And soon a fourth the music seat will take

Mysterious creatures we – the sick and healing
     As we our battle plans evoke
          Created powers from natures’ store of mercy
               We bring to bear with patience, skill – now hope.
