“It’s All About Our Stuff” [Sun Tsu First Half Re-Write Chapter 2 – Title]
In chapter two, it’s “stuff” we view –
To think again, in what we do,
As body-parts of Christ on earth,
As Kingdom-layer supports new birth.Great insights, like, “Live off the land –
Don’t tote so much you can’t withstand
The pull of gravity in scene,
Which drags you back to “Mean and mean”.Then too, turn others to Christ’s life;
Beat swords to plowshares – use for right,
And love expressed quite practically –
As way Christ views stuff, tactically.Lord, this has such a wealth of thought;
You think a lot of all we’ve bought;
And now, as You turn things aright.
We’re well-equipped for love’s next fight.Thanks Lord for this.