“With Christ As Leadership” (Rom.8;; Rom.8:38-39;Gal.6:2, 9; Is.40:28) [Sun Tsu First Half Re-Write # 6:11]

We do not have to be aware of what, and when, and how;
With Christ as leader of the troops, we’re freed and this allows
Us to live out our daily lives, though ready for His call
To “This and that” wee task for Him, though order’s often tall.

For Kingdom-layer is like a Kingdom many miles away
From where some conflict will play out, of which Sun Tsu now says –
The enemy, that’s satan, can’t support all troops at once,
So choosing where to pour God’s love and care is “Pound to ounce”.

For even if outnumbered, outmaneuvered, and out-gunned,
What use is that to satan if on Kingdom-layer it’s fun?
No sweat for us, we’re well-prepared; as body we all feel
Responsible for taking care of others – love is real.

And then Christ’s orders come, and we set out with Spirit-guide;
We do as we are told, and doing so’s a merry ride;
The hit’s so unexpected, which is part of impact there,
As Spirit’s given room to act, and Jubilee’s declared.

Lord, that’s so cool – I thank You for this aspect of our lives –
To be a part of taking satan on, no guns or knives,
But potent touches of Your love, in ways we can’t foresee,
As You prepare us for the days of people’s Jubilee.

Thanks Lord for this.
