“Accept The Fog of War” ( ) [Sun Tsu First Half Re-Write # 7:10] [Pandemic series]
Because in war confusion reigns,
And customs fade or re-arrange,
It is a chance to make a change
That’s permanent, here on the range.There’s lots of things on hold to date,
Which all pandemics, wars, create
A use for, as they obfuscate
(Folks later can appreciate).Take “Native education” work
We did – school system’s gone berserk –
So use this as a time to shift
The burden back to kids, for it –Was hard to change it establishment;
The vested interests, like cement,
Locked teachers into Euro-style,
And crushed First Nations edu-style.But now, re-think with Internet
“Flipped classrooms”, in a way that gets
The students learning more each day,
Now classrooms must be closed this way.Can churches shift to other schemes?
And stores, and services? It seems
We were advancing down that road;
Indeed, how might each shift the load?All this plays out what Sun Tsu says –
All shifts from what is known these days
Are good – far less to obfuscate,
As crazy-making’s on the plate.***
The Kingdom-layer life, I hear
Is opaque, both far and near;
Giving what Sun Tzu has said
Quiet place to lay one’s head –’Till the time to move on out,
Once discerning all about
Is complete and battle plan
Is in play to conquer land.Love and care applied at last,
Like an army’s sudden blast,
Is resisted – evil one
Cannot stand when Kingdom comes.So, a fog, smoke-screen at least,
Lets one’s caring be released
Into where it’s needed most – is
Kindness, love, for needy folks.Thanks Lord for this.