“A Waterfall Of Grace” (Romans 6:1) [Reflections on Watchman Nee's Book Changed Into His Likeness; Spanish Jerusalem Bible Series - Romans 6-8 sub series] ”

My uncle used to chuckle ’bout the place
In churches where the waterfall of grace
Was greatest in its flow (from earthly view) –
“Just on the porch, not further, or in pew.

“If you go further, church leaves you alone;
If closer, they assume you’re quite at home,
So take your presence as a given fact
(Ignoring you – away, you’re welcomed back)”.

If one thinks folks’ attention is “God’s grace”,
Then that is best location in this case;
Not just a little shower, a waterfall
Comes pounding down – attended from them all.

In Romans six, Paul speaks of wash of grace
In geometric fashion – in this case,
Increasing flood of grace poured out on us,
That we respond, as Christ appeals to us.

So Paul then asks, “Must we stay on the step,
That we enjoy this waterfall, and get
Attention of our Lord (as near and far)?
Must we remain rebellious as we are?”

Of course not, but it is a common sight –
Instead of moving in, we flirt with flight;
For grace of God pours like a waterfall
On us – but as God’s grace, that’s far from all –

Christ has in store for each and every one –
Move in! Engage in life’s explosive fun!
First stage is nice, but there’s far more ahead –
A waterfall, indeed, as we have read –

Within the Scripture’s pages – take a bath
In promises, and gifts fulfilled at last;
Don’t stop outside the door as overwhelmed,
By grace of God; move into Kingdom-realm.

For that’s great news for those out in life’s storm,
Who long for shelter, food, and someplace warm;
Come in, come in, sit down and you can be
A part of body-life, as you will see.

Lord, thanks for solving our rebellious stance,
Outside of Eden in old Adam’s dance;
Thanks for Your grace we felt back at the start;
And for all Kingdom-grace which You impart.

Help us to venture closer, not reject
Your invitation to be real, and get
Each day a fuller stream of grace from You –
And role to play as body-life we do.

Thanks Lord for this.
