“Formation” [“Reflections On Adam Smith's Book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Indianapolis : Liberty Classics, 1981 (Vol.I and II) Book 1, Chapter 2 - #4 and Pandemic Series #4]
Smith says teams form, can form in fact,
Because big differences we lack;
He claims it’s nurture, school, and jobs,
Which differentiate the Bob’s –From Frank’s, and Joe’s, and Sally’s too
(I disagree; I take the view
That we quite different are from birth,
With different qualities of “worth”).For me that puts the kibosh on
A team where excellence belongs –
“Pick ten, pick any ten for team”
Seems ludicrous – that’s what I mean.He says it’s fourteen steps to make
A “Pin”, and claims it doesn’t take
A rocket scientist to do
A sub-task – just pick any fool.For me, replacing one who’s sick
(Pandemic now has heightened this),
Is major task – skilled-workers can
Be tuned up – but it takes a man –Or woman years to hone a trade –
Ten thousand hours, the basis laid
To be an expert – costs a lot
(Times fourteen tasks) for labor bought.So Smith is right, but times have changed –
Our world to Smith would seem quite strange –
Skilled labor and a horde of geeks
Still work ’till “AI, needs will meet” –Then all will on the streets meet up;
All scrimping by; life will be tough
(Unless pandemic culls the herd,
And few remain to heed Smith’s words).Thanks Lord for this.