“Gandhi Quote”
I read a quote the other day
From Gandhi, as the path he laid
To make a change (throw off Britt rule);
So now we’ve got a saying cool –He noted, first, ignore they do;
Then laugh at you, view you as fool;
And then they fight you, tooth and nail –
And then you’ve won – away they sail.So Lord, as I reflect those words,
In light of Kingdom-layer, absurd
I think it is to get upset
’Bout things that have not happened yet.I’ve been ignored in lots of ways;
Then folks have laughed as music’s played
It’s sad and mournful melody;
And yes, they’ve fought, “Defeating” me –But most of all they’ve gone away –
No threat to them in games they’ve played;
Meanwhile you’ve opened Kingdom-layer
To all who would draw freedom’s air.And them? “Dead right!” is term that’s used,
Demarking end of path they’d choose;
“You’re likely right” is all I say,
As they sail off at end of day.“Ignore; then laugh; then fight; you win”,
Describes this crazy world we’re in –
Rebellion from Intended Love –
Preferring world of push and shove.Lord, help me ’bide in You, today;
Let others go their own sweet way;
Help me keep focused on such tasks
As You, my Lord, today might ask.Thanks Lord for this.