“un recuerdo (Some Little Remembrance)” (Proverbs 10:7, 6) [Spanish Bible - Proverbs Series # #10-7]
Her dad, in speaking of a gift
To give at Christmas, as a lift
To him amidst his aging times,
Had phrase which comes now to my mind.He said, “Just something showing me
That you remember life which we
Did hand-in-hand in better times,
Along a path once yours and mine.”So too, in Spanish, you can send
un recuerdo through a friend –
A small reminder, “Thinking how
We walked together life somehow”.And such remembrance blesses us,
For in old age, kids keep in touch,
Reminding us of days gone by –
Reliving past before our eyes.For days to us, three sixty-five,
At end of life can be revived
At times – well, maybe not them all,
But some, at least, by gestures small.But malvado, the wicked ones,
Have names that self-combust – what comes
To mind is oily rags in heap,
Which burst to flame – internal heat.The English word is “Rot” for this
That’s much the same – old logs exist
On forest floor, sometimes for years,
’Till broken down – no mourners tears.In English, we have term for bad –
A “Rotter” he, that term is sad,
For bad just wastes away in time;
Just memories? Make life sublime.But matched with verse which comes ahead,
How evil ones, before they’re dead,
Have harbored violence with mouth –
Perhaps this verse removes all doubt –Of what’s ahead for rascals such –
What’s harbored in one’s mouth is such
A mix of violence and hate,
That in the end it concentrates –Combustibles on oily rags;
They self-consume, as image sags
At end of life – what’s harbored here,
By us, destroys us – now that’s clear.Thanks Lord for this.