“The Fog ’Round Source, Re-Source” [Sun Tsu First Half Re-Write #2B – #5-7]

Lord, when it comes to resource base,
A fog exists here in our case –
Three hundred years or so it’s been
Since Western folks have clearly seen.

For that is when “Provision” rose
(Solution for a country’s woes) –
“If we make stuff for one and all,
Prosperity on us will fall”.

It worked, for short-term, I should say,
Now folks can’t throw their stuff away;
We’re so attached to it, it owns
Its people – tools, and cars, and homes.

But even more, stuff clouds our view –
Back in the day of old Sun Tsu,
He said, “Draw food from enemy;
But bring your tools of war with thee”

Now tools abound, and food is cheap,
And dehydration helps it keep
So even at a worldly scope,
Sun Tsu’s advice on what to tote –

Must be examined in our age
Though principle itself is Sage;
But when it’s reverse-engineered
To Eden’s way, the problem’s neared –

It’s “satan as the enemy”,
Not “People” such as you and me –
What does Your straight advice say here,
Which Sun Tsu’s twisted view holds dear?

Like, what would Kingdom-layer have
As point-of-view which Scripture has
In mind to clear our foolish ways
(“The world has wiser means”, it says).

Please open up my heart, and hands,
And voice, as on this question stands
The crux of what I need from You
To move along – thanks for this view.

“Stu, careful here re: audience –
Is this for you? Or your defense
In land of enemies of flesh?
Drop that, for that’s unholy mess.”

Okay, O Lord, it’s me and You;
What’s next re-what I’m s’posed to do?
“Stu, put it down, and get engaged –
That’s how you’ll grow, become a “Sage”.

“For that’s My role to you assigned –
Not “Businessman” – I have in mind
Articulation of My truth
For those around, in hot pursuit –

Of what is not of consequence;
In sixth-floor warehouse – now go hence
Into your future, do your task,
Each day in Me, as I have asked.

“It’s taken decades-seven to get
You to this place of starting, yet,
As Ivan noted, all that stuff
You’ve done to date, supplies enough –

To get the job (“Plan B”) complete;
“Plan B”, which blocked your steady feet
Into the future, now’s resolved;
Engage, there Stu, ’till problem’s solved.

“You’ll need to dig in Scripture deep;
Keep mind alert to what you’ll meet
There on the page – it’s tricky stuff
To grasp – but now you have enough –

To move ahead with tools you have,
And question – focused since, as lad,
You wondered at; so dig in deep;
Let Me provide the manna sweet.”

Lord, thanks for this sharp turn to right
You spoke of, back, with outlook bright,
When You gave guidance overall,
To one whose time-span was so small.

Lord, I’ve no knowledge of my way;
Help me to in Your Kingdom stay,
As with You, and Your body-folk
I persevere, with all en-yoked.

Thanks Lord for this.
