“Go Fish”

“A pretty fancy fishing shack”
I used to think, but it’s not that;
It’s more, “A shed to fish-farm in,
Out of the sleet, and snow, and wind”.

For fish from out beyond the nets
Are not desired, so best forget
About commissions (great and small),
This is our fish-farm after all.

A dwindling portion of the brood
Is welcomed here (it’s understood
That those who fit are welcomed in
This sterile space where fish begin).

“Fishers of men I’ll make of you”
Don’t get me wrong, it could be true
No matter what’s “Not possible” –
In sanctuary from the swirl.

Just look at what is done today
Where life of faith means one must pay
The piper – oft such churches thrive –
For opposition keeps alive –

Faith’s deepest essence – candled light
Amidst the darkest hours of night;
Where daily life’s not flavorful;
Unleavened bread’s not Wonder-full.

That’s where those monks and nuns came from –
Off to harsh desert caves they’d run,
Replacing persecution’s days
With pain – for such foundation lays –

For inner growth, to outward ways
Of fellowship with Christ, which says
To self and others near and far,
“I’m of this body now, by Gar”.

So Lord, what needs be done ’round here?
A waste of time, that much is clear;
“Stu – fish, inside outside the net,
Are quite the same – so don’t forget –

“To feed the fish where e’er they’re found;
They, on the Internet, are ’round
The world now daily from this place,
Each channels of Assisi’s grace –

“In ways you will not ever know
So do your bit – My seed now sow
Each in a way I lead you to;
It matters not how big the crew”.

Okay Lord thanks for this.
