“One Problem With Delay” [Sun Tsu First Half Re-Write #2B – #3]

The problem with protracted war
Is resource drains, unlike before
The start of campaign (love or hate) –
Don’t drag things out, don’t hesitate.

Get in; get out; then be en guard,
For that’s the part you’ll find is hard;
For neighbors rise when you are tired,
Or on the front lines troops are mired.

Or nobles on your own home turf
Use just such times as this to burst
Onto the scene, to grasp for power
They’ve deeply longed for ’till this hour.

That goes for those who kill, destroy,
As satan’s troops for him deployed,
As for the body-parts of Christ
(For all have sinned, and are not nice).

So when Christ says, “Go now! – Hit fast!”
Get in; get out – don’t make it last
Beyond what’s called for; He will tell
You when to leave some scene from hell.

For sometimes what’s at stake is this –
The enemy can co-exist
With you, like Judas, “I’m with you
(Until they drop the other shoe).

That’s what campaigns are oft about –
The flushing of the traitors out;
So don’t get so absorbed with task
That they come bite you in the ass.

Thanks Lord for this.
