“What Is Your Primary Motivation?” (Is.49:11; Mt.21:20) [Spanish Jerusalem Bible Series - Ephesians sub-series - # 6:10-18 @14-18]
They asked me (well, not really, but they should have asked that night);
They switched the service ’round on me, which gave me quite a fright;
I’d been prepared to answer questions, like those wedding vows,
Which are a part of preparation – switching not allowed.I asked You what to do about them (printed on the sheet,
So, seeing it, I had a chance that obstacle to meet);
You said, “Just carry on there, Stu, and leave the rest to Me;
And give the answers you prepared – the rest, just let it be.”I did, and I got through the night – fortuitous indeed,
(For road You took me on was different from what others see);
So, anyway, they “Asked” me, in that sense, “What is your zeal?”
“For Kingdom of our God” I said (that part indeed was real).Well, here we are, Ephesians six at fifteen – just the same –
Hot footing it to share good news of Kingdom in God’s name;
The peace we find on central pin of children’s pinwheel toy –
As wind creates a swirl ’round us – a part of satan’s ploy.Zeal for the good news of that peace – indeed, for folks don’t know
How they are freed to walk above the obstacles below;
Like skaters on a lake of ice, not covered yet with snow,
We can look down and see for real where world won’t let folks go.But we can skate most anywhere You ask us to frequent;
Unblocked the road ahead for us that’s what Isaiah meant –
Flat as a pancake, valleys raised, and mountain blocks removed;
Freed up to move at Your behest with hyper-zealous shoes.But it is not just shoes of zeal that gets the word around;
For we must put those shoes on us, and not be “Standing” found;
Sure, Paul starts out with “sit – walk – stand”, but now it’s shoes of zeal
We’re asked to don as we prepare to share the peace we feel.So “Pass the peace”, like liturgy encourages to say –
Like guys at wedding which I shot that Virden sunny day;
They stood or leaned on half-ton truck between the service parts,
And “Passed the peace” in “Twilight hour before the dancing starts”Just as You said, Lord Jesus, “Share the things I mentioned, guys –
The world is hungry for that food, so knowing that, be wise
As serpents, innocent as lambs, as you set out for Me,
With shoes of zeal to share good news of peace attending thee.Thanks Lord for this.