mantenganse firmes (Maintain Firmness)” (1 Sam. 17; Matt.16:11) [Spanish Jerusalem Bible Series - Ephesians sub-series - # 6:10-18]

In ancient days when foes arrayed
And soldiers fought by light of day,
They had a “Center” line of men,
Two “Flanks” as well assisted them.

So “Center cannot hold” (the term),
Became a slogan people learned
To use in daily life as well –
If central thrust collapsed – we’d tell –

Our kith and kin, that way, “It’s done –
Our best intentions, once begun
In sure and certain hope of win,
Collapses now, defeat begins”.

This Paul addresses, and insists –
For this put armor on, resist
Stand firm; sit tight; hold steady, chum,
Until o’er all things you have won.

So perseverance, hanging on,
Is critical, but it is wrong
To be in battle for your life
Unarmed, and unprepared to fight.

For spirits, attitudes, which crush
The life from the kith and kin, and touch
Us all from time to time in life,
Can vicious be, though out of sight.

God gave us weapons to prevail,
And armor, to protect when gale
Of conflict sweeps down on our town,
That we not find ourselves run down.

But we must take it off the shelf,
And learn to use it well, or else
We might as well not have such tools,
And battles fight unarmed, as fools.

For weapons God gives for our fight
Address the attitudes of night;
The spirit forces, in a crowd
Or person whom to such has bowed.

It’s fifty-one to forty-nine
Percent – that’s battle line we find;
The actions of one person can
Turn things around – when firm we stand.

The Spanish, dia funesto
Is “Fateful day” when this is so;
We have the tools to do the task
If we adopt them when we’re asked.

Our problem comes when we don’t care,
Complacent are, quite wanting there –
Then suddenly that dia comes –
Too late, unarmed, we’re overrun.

When David fought Goliath, Saul
Said, “Take my armor – use it all”;
It quite ill-fitting, awkward was,
So David said, “No thanks”, because –

He had a slingshot he could use
Quite well, in God he could not lose;
He won the fight, but later learned
To use full armor he had spurned.

So start with “Slingshot”, learn it well;
Grow into other arms – then hell
Will not prevail as you abide
In Christ – with Spirit on your side.

So tomen (take) is action here –
Do not be overcome with fear,
Or laziness, just coast along –
These arms of God to you belong.

Thanks Lord for this.
