“del malign (Of The Malignant One)” [Spanish Jerusalem Bible Series - Ephesians sub-series - # Ephesians 6:16b]

“malegno” – word that’s feared in cancer circles in our age;
“Malignant” – not what we would want to hear our doctor say –
“It’s not just there, it’s spreading – if untreated it will kill;
Let’s get to work, and deal with it – your part relates to ‘will’.

“You’ve got to want to beat this one, to join the healing team;
Without that, all our work for you quite futile will have been;”
I know about that side of things – first time I cancer had,
The team with all their tools were there – not to me – and that was bad.

I could not turn that aspect on, of it I was aware;
Then after service on that night a friend of mine was there;
“Let’s pray for that – and in few words, her hand upon my arm,
I felt the shift take place in me, thus saving me from harm.

Malignant one – the evil one with his destructive ways,
Insidious and spreading through the world of spirit, says,
“My way’s much better than God’s ways – I kill, and steal, destroy;
It’s ‘me-myself-and-I’ who struts this earth and now employs –

“My fiery darts to bring about my victory each day,
Against all comers, good and bad, for I must have my way;
You think you can resist me –huh! – No way you can escape
This day of my attack on you – mess of your life I’ll make”.

Lord, it’s incessant, there’s no end to tricks and ploys he brings
Against us – folks cooperate with him to gain some things;
Like kids in sandbox – playing nice is not their way of life;
More like, “Make chaos of the world; blow winds to stir up strife.”

Paul’s right, it is not flesh and blood who are the enemy,
But it’s el malegno and flaming darts which we can’t see,
Except as life around us bursts to flame, comes crashing down,
Like bricks and timbers of that church when arsonist was ’round.

I’m hearing, “Stand behind that shield, that’s your part in this mess”;
Complicity throughout our lives we also must confess,
For we’re imperfect, as we grow up here on Kingdom-layer;
New ways, quite true, apparent are as we become aware –

How all the world corrupted is – that way since Eden’s day;
Yet being on the Kingdom-layer has given us a way
To be in world, though not of it, so we can grow into
Maturity, and unity of body-life in You.

Thanks Lord for this.
