“The Sphere” [“Reflections On Adam Smith's Book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Indianapolis : Liberty Classics, 1981 (Vol.I and II) Book 1, Sphere-Model - Chapter 1A”]
To picture Adam Smith today,
I’ve chosen spheres as concept’s way
Of playing out close to the way
He’s thinking back in his own day.For Giver-types think in a sphere,
And write like that to make things clear;
I thought he was quite linear
(Same words are used to that way the veer).Once that was clear I re-read piece –
Chap One to Three – it was a breeze!
Then I re-worked Chap Three that way;
With One and Two I now will play –At center of the Chap One sphere,
Is Div. of Labor – that part’s clear
Then working outward from that start,
He tries to show division’s part –In making his balloon expand
(Like kids’ balloon, you understand);
The outer layer expands, contracts,
It’s what’s inside the changes that.When Smith thinks ’bout “economy”
It’s that “Balloon” his mind’s-eye sees –
As it expands, its “Opulence”
That grows within that rubber fence.His book asks ’bout what’s down below
That surface-skin which we all know;
He’s curious ’bout inner spheres
(As each expands) – he makes that clear.So center core in Chapter One
Is also sphere – here he’s begun
To spin his yarn, work out from there –
Lets inner sphere receive some air.It’s like balloon inside balloon,
Or sphere in sphere, expanding soon;
So each layer out must then expand;
Then “Outer layer” we’ll understand.Lord, that’s a cool way to lay out
A “Unity” – for there’s no doubt
“Economy” is big balloon
With detail’s shown to us real soon.But it’s all there right from the first –
Each single aspect (better-worse)
Impact exerts on all the rest –
So over all, balloon is best –Way to conceive it from the start –
Each simple factor plays a part
In over all expanding size
Or shrinkage – “Net” is realized.So writers (Smith, at any rate)
Say “Things being equal” (for thought’s sake)
Just meaning “Let’s take factor one –
What’s change to it affect (for fun)?Does overall balloon expand,
So opulence flows through the land?
Or does balloon lose air that way?
Mind-games indeed such thinkers play.Are there some factors ’neath the Div?
Of course, but Smith starts where we live;
Says “I’ll go deeper than this sphere
In later chapters – let’s start here”.And sure enough, in Chapter Two,
Smith asks if there are factors new
Which push on labor to divide
It up – so specialists can ride –The heady fun of “Focused tasks”,
Linked up with others – doing that
As his or her small specialty –
“Does this expand balloon? Let’s see!”I like that model for such thought –
Start anywhere, and there you’ve got
A way to focus, yet still hold
Life’s unity – as thought unfolds.Lord, this is such a concept great,
For other factors I can’t wait!
Now I see how “Math formulas”
Can make sub-networks clear for us.Each factor gets a “Letter” name;
Relationships in thinking game
Express themselves in “formulas”,
Hold “Thought so far” – so cool, because –Our minds are good, but limits come;
Computers help extend our fun
And games, as we press on to see
What change in big balloon there’ll be.Thanks Lord for this.