“Reportage” [Reflections On Michael Freeman's Book 35mm Handbook Philadelphia: Courage Books, 1980 - Section 2- Item #1]

The lowest need for tech control
Is people-stories – what you know
About the world about you – see
Its point and shoot, from you to me.

Let people just be people there
No complicated sets prepared
Reporting of what has just transpired
You capture what makes you inspired.

Dyslexic views (from multi-views
At once) lets you best one then choose
A person-symbol-context mixed
With inter-action – “Story-pix”.

Sometimes a set of pix is good
Like theme, or tone, plot understood,
As human life like river flows
Some parts of life the camera shows.

So much is on the Internet
Or TV, movies, mags, and yet
It’s ever-changing, but the same
Such people-pictures call my name.

I shoot from bushes, normal pace
Posed pictures fail, in any case,
To interest me – quite stilted there
At work or play, no put-on airs –

Are visible – so, natural,
Like St. John picture – factual
Though not all like it, it works well
As I such photos turn and sell.

It’s people who need Christ to save
Through us – for all in sin behave
Like fools – as mud engulfs our feet
Too late to implement retreat.

So “Reportage” is Christ’s report on this
Created in a photo-kiss
Is story-telling picture? Yes
But formula for this works best.

Thanks Lord for this.
