“You Miss The Point ” [“Reflections On Adam Smith's Book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Indianapolis : Liberty Classics, 1981 (Vol.I and II) Book 1, Chapter 2”]
In Chapter Two of Adam Smith,
He waxes on how people miss
The driving force behind the key,
Then holds it up for all to see.He says the key to wealth untold
Is labor split (which we behold),
To specialties – folks get more done
When just one part is for each one.He claims we’re all about the same
Until age eight, when to the game
Of adult life we start to go,
Then specialize in what we know.He says that’s source of difference;
Up ’till that point we’re on the fence;
It’s when some road is ventured on
That difference comes – we move along.That’s “Nature-Nurture” – Goodness knows
That’s bubblegum, entrancing those
Who chew and chew it out of shape
’Till flavor’s gone – to me a waste.I have no problem with his key,
Or speculation – it could be
The cause of special-tasks for each;
Both schools of thought have those who teach.When he moves on – “Propensity
To truck and barter frequently,
Exchange my this for that” is it –
He’s partly right – it partly fits.Agreed – two people come along,
And trading-game’s by no means wrong
To view as major act by man
Or woman – doing best one can.But here the East splits from the West
(To simplify two labels best),
The Eastern folks together trade –
The “Com” in commerce – Moorish maid –Said they won’t break at any price –
It is the context, goal, and right
Of any person, near or far;
“Com” – we’re “together” here, by Gar.So marketplace is all about
Our life together – there’s no doubt
We truck, and barter, yea, exchange –
No way does that “together” change.But in the West it’s quite reverse –
It’s about the give-and-take of “Merch”;
If we get friendly, join as one,
That’s viewed as option – flavors some –Transactions (but beside the point) –
It’s getting “Stuff” (or cash) – anoint
As hero of the deal the one
Who comes out best when counting’s done.So “Wealth of Nations” – what is “Wealth”?
Two groups view different parts of health –
East views its base in “Wholeness”, “One”;
While West says “Stash”, when said and done –Because with cash life-standards rise –
In poverty one can’t disguise
Life’s nastiness, and brutish tone,
Short lives lived out in poorer homes.But take a look at Western life –
If it’s so good, why all the strife?
Much anesthetic is required
To live amongst what West’s acquired.So, Mr. Smith, ’bout your two prongs –
Divided labor, isn’t wrong
Nor is a skilled executive
Directing how the workers live.The error comes when we look back
To “Savage” life and view all that
With Western mindset as to role
The market played “To make man whole”.I hear of Western travelers
Who brace themselves for market swirl
In eastern lands – “Get ripped off there?”
Not, “Aaah! I’m home – goodbye to care”.Is it reverse when folks come West?
Do they prepare to be addressed
As low-life’s who do not “Get” cash
As base of life? (“What good is that?”)So, how to “Humanize” exchange
In truck, and barter, re-arrange
Our brief encounters at the till,
That “wholeness” view be found there still?Thanks Lord for this.