“The Silent Movie Behind The Talkie” [Spanish Jerusalem BibleSeries - Job sub-series - # 1:1-5]
It’s called in filmic terms I learned before,
“Effect of editing” – one can say more
When synergy is harnessed in a piece –
Two pieces spliced, new meaning is released.“Augmented text” accomplishes that task –
What’s put with what, such that a reader asks
New questions deep within his brain or hers –
As surface-life with deeper meaning blurs?It need not spell things out – it’s more like Cree
Where story blends, helps hearer meanings see –
The part’s that’s missing in their current life,
So help comes gently, thus reducing strife.Like tone, and image, detail, incident –
Subconscious “Hears”, direction then is bent
So elements are knit into the mix;
Ingredients required to problems fix.Thanks Lord for this.