“How Exchange Drives Division” [“Reflections On Adam Smith's Book An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations Indianapolis : Liberty Classics, 1981 (Vol.I and II) Book 1, Sphere-Model - Chapter 2”]
And sure enough, Smith turns attention to
“What drives divided labor?” for he knew,
In his view, truck and barter and exchange,
Are actions people do – will never change.You put two people near, and they will start –
“I’ll trade you this for that” – and they’ve embarked
On working out deliberate, fair exchange
(That’s “mine for yours”) – and soon it’s all arranged.He sees it as a species, in one sense,
Of contract (Western concept where expense
Is value that’s exchanged with other one,
With no coercion as exchange is done).He claims that treaty, barter, are the ways
That humans interact on trading days;
Divided tasks give much more to exchange,
Thus “Opulence” expands through trading games.And what informs behavior in each trade?
Why, “Self-love” Adam claims, for in this way,
One’s needs and wants are met, promoting life
For both – plus each one’s family and wife.Today, we often say it’s difference
And built-in DNA which builds the fence
Between each person and the next (not Smith –
He says that follows – this, he quite insists) –It’s education, custom, way we’re taught,
Which drives the difference in the way we walk
As older adults, up ’till then it’s choice
Of occupation – that will change our voice.He comments, truck, and barter, and exchange,
Make useful all the difference in the range
Of output each produces in the line
Of products flowing out, once they’re refined.He also claims that differences twixt folks,
Are pooled by barter and exchange, for yokes
Of different types are laid out for one’s choice –
With far more options there for claimants’ voice.Benevolence and fawning to get goods,
Are ’round, but it’s not really understood –
For those who benefit then go exchange
What they’ve been “Given” – oft that’s pre-arranged.So still it is “Exchange” for poor as well;
No animals, so far as we can tell,
Make such exchanges (“Trade you yours for mine”) –
For style of life they seem to make out fine.Thanks Lord for this.