“The Problem Of Prosperity” (1Cor.15:24-28; Lk 14) [Reflections On Charles H. Parkhurst (ed) Portraits And Principles of The World's Great Men And Women, N.Y. : Springfield:The King-Richardson Co. 1899 - 87/100]
“Prosperity” – the Holy Grail
Of Western world – “Fill up your pail –
With all you can; can all you get;
Sit on the lid; shoot all the rest”.The problem comes when one has kids –
It’s general – if you got rid
Of everything, it’s all about,
So problem’s come – there is no doubt.For all must make response to wealth –
It’s relative – one wrecks his health
Pursuing it; while one sits back;
With welfare state, there is no lack.Spend little and forever save
Leaves piles of cash beside your grave,
Which causes problems now and then,
As to its power survivors bend.Blow all your cash on needless things,
It temporary pleasure brings;
Relieves the stress felt heretofore,
Then leaves us craving for some more.“Don’t spend as much as you take in”;
“Be frugal” – “Save” – “Do not depend
On good tomorrow as today”;
“Stash some of it for rainy days”.It’s mostly “Out-go” that’s the prob –
The frivolous, and foolish snob,
The silly, vain, and cunning ones,
Chase on and on ’till life is done.A test of character each day
Emerges for us, when we pray
With hearts and hands, “Use even me,
O Lord, I ask – ’tis all of Thee”.Our foresight’s tested; judgment too;
Our consciences which bow to You;
Benevolence, as we show care;
All higher interests are laid bare.A balance keep – both save and spend,
And give, of course, that people mend;
That is the gist of “Use of cash
When we spend income, or our stash”.I note his word right at the first –
“Our” money – from each wallet, purse,
Betrays his point of view to me –
“Not ‘Stewards’, rather, ‘Owners’ we.But Paul in letter makes a case
That “Body-life”, for human race,
Is only when we ’bide in You
O Lord, and at Your task we choose –To be engaged, possessions too;
Friends, and relations given to You;
Our lives themselves laid at Your feet,
That satan, You through us defeat.To me, that is the cornerstone
Of all our living, kin, and homes –
Aside from it, the rest is trashed
Completely, Lord, in Your last task.Thanks Lord for this.