“Internal Software Management” [Reflections On Charles H. Parkhurst (ed) Portraits And Principles of The World's Great Men And Women, N.Y. : Springfield:The King-Richardson Co. 1899 - #95/100]

There’s social side and private side he says within this piece;
Both aspects need to be controlled, and not just find release;
For both need tuning up through life, for you can override
Both “Governors” (though slow to change), as both in you reside.

He says the social side is quite sufficient for this life
While in her private governor is for what’s out of sight
While on this globe, for it hooks into life beyond the grave,
And just concerns that bigger scene as we work here and play.

I disagree – both needed are, and split between the two
Relates (for me) to social scene, and world inside of you;
Both aspects are “Programmable”, allowing shifts in scene,
And changes as we go through life, and what those changes mean.

The social regulator goes by several labels, hence,
There’s subtle differences between how they to each makes sense
To different viewers of this part of life, but more or less,
They all amount to, “Wisdom of the ages” (worst to best) –

Or, “Common sense” which differs as we move around the globe;
Or culture’s “Mores, norms, and folkways” different people hold;
It’s “How we do our life ’round here for social harmony –
We’ll give you eighteen months as guest to learn to like us be.”

The inner regulator has some ways in which it’s viewed,
Like “Conscience”, “Inner light and life”, to some it’s more “Woo-woo”;
The boundary with the spiritual is hazy for most folk,
And varies – it’s a “oneness” – or to “other” I awoke.

Though slow to change, it warns us when a boundary we might cross;
And if we do, it jangles in us, worse than from a boss;
But we can override it, should a situation rise
When doing so, despite the cost, is better in our eyes.

Like, “Don’t get burned” is pushed aside to lift a burning beam,
If it’s your kid pinned under it, though jangle is quite keen;
It hurts; we pay the cost; for great rewards are in the life
That’s saved as we get over it, though warning was quite right.

Or if we got “Bad programming” of conscience as a kid,
Like racist views, or selfishness, for both are hard to rid
Oneself of – for the rest of life we disregard the clang
Of inner warnings we will hear, which have a bitter tang.

He has a point within this piece I had not heard before –
That will inner-conscience balances the software we have stored;
Like, “Actions, choices, impulses”, our “passions, habits, likes”,
Which make for more consistency, and feeling life’s all right.

I find that helpful, for it sets a rationale that’s tight,
For how it all hooks up to me, and how to set things right
When I get out of whack sometimes – within me or without;
And helps me when it’s jumbled, to begin to sort things out.

Lord, “Giver-finance” giftings shape some people to be wise,
Like they are into “Common sense” and “Balance” ’neath the skies;
In body-life they hold that up for other “Body parts”,
Just like “Compassion-gifting” gentle-living often starts.

There is a clash between these two, which You made clear to me
Can get resolved in body-life, in You, which we can see
Ourselves, as we abide in You, involved in Your “Last task”,
Of taking on the evil-one until his ways are smashed.

Lord, giver-finance is my “Second strongest” gift of all;
“Encourager” is strongest – trumps the rest, makes them seem small;
Please open up myself to giftings of the other types,
And blessed insights which they bring, so “Balance” sets me right.

Thanks Lord for this.
