“How Much It Takes” (Heb.12:2; Jn.3:16;Mt.21:26; Lk.15) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare # 95-96]
How much it takes to live outside
Of Eden-land, to there reside,
Is seen in this set – “Bring along
The fearful, terrified, though strong”.And quite extensive are the tricks
The leaders use to feelings fix,
So men will walk ahead and kill,
While trying not to there be killed.Lord, what a difference all this makes
When acts of love and care take place;
We’re not required to take a life
With bomb and armor, sword and knife.That does not keep us each from harm,
Nor settle deep and strong alarm,
When we walk in at Your command,
And try to lend a helping hand.For just because we live above
The earth’s domain of push and shove,
Does not mean others walk that plane
Of Kingdom-layer, just the same.“So think of what’s worth living for”
“Think also, you were here before,
Until your Savior lifted you
To Kingdom-layer – through you, He’ll do –That also for these people here;
So drop obsession with your fears,
And laugh – for joy that you are free
To now engage your enemy –With better than he’d do for you;
You’ve died to self – though this seems new
To you, there’s no life like in here –
So don’t succumb to inner fear.Lord Jesus – Your death set me free;
You did not need to suffering see,
But it took it on that we might live,
Then turn around, Your freedom give –To others who come after us;
So thank You for relief from fuss
That broke us in that “Normal life”
We used to live when day was night.You nurture us when we have lost
Some effort, which has dearly cost
Ourselves, our kin, our friends, folks near –
No strings attached, no curried fear.They care in order to press on
To kill again, destroy and bomb;
You care direct, through other folk,
That we have life through words You spoke –To all mankind, including us;
You’ve no desire to wring from us
Some action which just makes things worse,
But rather satan’s work reverse.Thanks Lord for this.