“De-Mobilization” (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #99-100 – end]
The last two chapters (“Set” that is),
Concerns transition, for the biz
Of warfare in civilian life
Is problematic – both are right.What’s needed in civilian life
Is problematic when the strife
Of warfare comes – reverse is true;
So what’s a General to do?He’s de-commissioned, blended back
Into the larger life; for that,
There’s pomp, and ceremony too,
That strips his power and point of view.At first I thought it was apart
From flipping ’round as in my art,
But then I saw from head to toe,
It’s true as well, as Paul well shows.For once, O Lord, Your task is done,
The Kingdom-layer’s returned; the one
Becomes as it was meant to be –
A huge celestial unity.I think as well about our roles
In You, O Lord, within Your goals,
And I hear, “In the end I see
I’ve done the parts assigned to me –And after that, lay down my tools
And step aside – best not be fools –
And “Enter that eternal rest”
Within Your glory – Lord – the best!So Lord, I thank You for this book,
Through which You gave an added look
At how all this fits in for us,
In larger scope through all this fuss.Lord, as I now put down my pen,
Help me address my tasks again
Within the context You’ve assigned –
That life on earth might be refined.Thanks Lord for this.