“External Influences” (Mt.19:29; 8:21; 12:28; Lk.9:62) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #97-98]
At level of the rank-and-file,
Its letters home, replies, and smiles,
That interfere; with CNN
Reporting live so wills can’t bend –To officers who know new needs;
The letters of the past succeed
In stopping rapid movement hence,
And visits spoil a great offense.Then too, the King a pain can be,
As he has no idea – he
Is not abreast of what’s afoot,
So comments made need not be looked –At as of relevance in fact;
Field marshals are in charge of tact,
So outside interference has
A quality of razzmatazz.Lord, as I turn this all around,
I’m hearing this advice is sound –
Though not apparent at first blush,
On Kingdom-layer, it profits much.For acts of love have mega-costs,
And others don’t enjoy such loss,
Which sometimes comes at Your command,
Like, when assigned to take a stand.It does entail a cost back home,
Which I’d not seen, but Scripture tome
Is full of references to cost –
And wear and tear on kin who’ve lost.Lord, open up my eyes to see
The tasks You have awaiting me,
As I wrap up this set of poems
And venture forth from safety zone –Into Your life out on the edge
Of new adventure – some allege
That it’s the same old, same old, stuff –
I disagree, the former fluff –Is that exactly – this is great!
A cosmic scope, discovered late
In life makes all to date worthwhile,
And welcomes in new life a while.Old Oscar comes to mind today –
“I got six months here anyway;
I almost went right out the end
Of life – I did not comprehend.”That’s me indeed – is that for all
Of us since Adam’s garden-fall?
We’re “Too soon old, and too late smart”
The saying goes – but great to start!Thanks Lord for this.