There’s more demand for pot, it seems, then Jesus,
Or pizza, fast food generally ’round here;
A sixth pot-outlet opens in October,
That is just about as many as for beer.The reason? Mostly taxes, nothing’s moving
On manufacture front since China got
Our business (cheaper labor, lower prices),
So one or two big players stay on top.Perhaps they’ll use the cash to fix the potholes
And infrastructure projects of that sort;
Our roads are getting worse, we’re one big pothole
That’s on the landscape, sort of like a wart.For warts have stable growth but serve no purpose,
Removed when doctor hits it with the cold;
With global warming that won’t even happen,
So this fair town is destined to grow old.We’ll pretty up the mess by planting flowers,
A nail or two, some duct tape, and a truss;
“It does the time out” quipped grandfather often,
We’ll coast along, creating little fuss.Demand will rise for booze and drugs for coping,
For anesthetic gets us through the day;
Like Tylenol for when our joints are creaking,
Demand will rise until our dying day.“Stu, smarten up, stand back and ask the question –
‘From Kingdom-layer can you a difference see?
Is there a way to skate across the surface
Without demand for drug-economy?’“For that’s where evil plays it’s part – in causing
The pain that yields demand for booze and pot;
So now you know the task which I am doing
Through you, my friends – the body which I’ve got.“Economy is mine – like back in Eden,
It works much better than the one you’ve got;
There’s resource, food, and jobs for everybody,
Which cuts demand for analgesic pot.”Thanks Lord for this.