“Bad Scenes”[Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #83-84]
When things go south, folks desperate are
And both sides, whether near or far,
Had better watch their P’s and Q’s
Lest others act and silence you.Outnumbered? Circle is the form
Best suited, but from there perform
An outward movement all around
Explorer – like a compact bomb.But plug the “Hole” left by the foe
To tempt your troops to rise and go
Away (get ambushed actually),
Then “Bomb” can work effectively.Or if “Surrender” seems the way
To make the best of awful day,
It may be used for treachery –
View as attack until you see –It’s for real, or just a ruse;
Be on your guard, you can refuse
To put yourself in satan’s hands,
As “Win” is all he understands.Lord, so much here to ponder, when
The context changes back again
To war of ages which is Yours –
Defensive preps become our chores.Best not to find ourselves alone,
Surrounded in our work or home,
Unable to move left or right –
I’m hearing just consolidate –Then take the actions You think best,
Applied in You, leave all the rest;
Be on our guard, don’t walk away
From You (get ambushed in the way).Encirclement is like a siege
Without the walls and moats one needs,
But in this scene I hear Your word –
“Strong tower, I; don’t be absurd –“But rather, ’bide in Me always;
You’ll find protection all your days,
For Kingdom-layer was made for you –
A platform-base for work you do.Lord, I am hearing, once again,
It’s “Heaven’s kiss” – Your love made plain
To one and all, through thick and thin –
“Explosive” planted – blown to win.Thanks Lord for this.