“Supplies And Resources” (Matt.13; Rom.8:1; 12:20; James 4:1; Prov.25:1) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #53-54]
Out on the Prairie, gardening’s about
The water – when it comes, and if there’s drought;
This editor of ways says much the same –
Except it’s food – “Material’s” the game.The one with most can hang on longest here –
Invader has supply-lines he holds dear,
And plunders if he can, so long as he
Does not become “Unrighteous” (openly).Defender tends to scorch the earth and pull
Out all resources in retreating route;
Invaders have no resources at hand,
So when they’re hungry they depart the land.It’s then they get attacked by well-fed troops,
Like Russia and Napoleon whose loot
Dried up, and winter hit, a mess ensued;
So French went home defeated, much abused.Lord, when I flip this ’round I plainly see
It’s like our prairie gardens – rain they need;
So we should not neglect our normal life,
As we get swept up in enticing sights.Advice to deal with garden-soil of life,
Before prolonged adventures seems quite right;
Until we realize how long it takes
To work on life-time habits ’till they break.But then again, that is the battle line
Against the evil-one, who, over time,
Has taken us into what is not ours;
Dependency creating, stripping powers –Until we’re good for nothing, easy prey
For every roving band who likes to play
Sadistic games, which strip us of supplies,
And leave us in the ditch – at our demise.I’ve often thought, there’s lots to go around,
But humans have the task here on the ground
Of distribution, stewardship, and such,
So some don’t horde, and others lack enough.Then too, we squander, waste resource we own;
Spend time, resource in dressing up our homes
With creature-comforts, escalating debt,
Until we crash and burn, bad as it gets.It’s all connected, Lord, I’m sensing now,
And as the GDP shifts, we’ll see how
It all plays out – we fritter it away
Disbursing our good fortune day by day.Lord, we need help addressing this today
Lest foolishness remove this better way
To live upon the Kingdom-layer with You;
Please open up our eyes on what to do.“Stu, that’s the point – for you since at the first,
You’ve had a problem, one of three, the worst,
Though back is broken, time has come at last –
‘Discerning spirits’ – with resolving blast.“And that’s what I’m about – so ’bide in Me –
Help you see which aspect is for thee –
That’s left you hamstrung in your current land
Of plenty – time you came to understand.“You see, it’s economics which was changed –
Along with all the rest – got to rearranged
When Adam left the garden, goodness knows,
It’s now a mess, so stay here on your toes –“And be aware; become aware, that is,
Of what has changed in home-life and in biz;
For you will have to factor in the loss
The evil one has caused, and what it costs.For ‘Steal, kill, and destroy’ quite sums it up
But no one factors that in – “What’s enough?”
So are surprised when Satan roams your land
And feeds his troops from what you have on hand.“Abide in me – I’m quite aware of this;
You’ll lose it all – life, friends and resources;
But in the end we win – have won the day;
So ‘Pick the winning side’ is what to say.“Remember ‘Sparrows’, ‘Counted hairs’ and ‘Doves’
The ‘Lilies of the field’ – that Father loves
All people, not just you – time to embrace
His larger view, and not just fill your face.”Lord, that’s a challenge – James has word as well,
That wars are caused by greed, we make our hell
On earth, and now with climate change and all
We’ve pushed the planet to disaster’s wall.“What causes wars?” James asks in soulful tone,
It’s complex, all connects here to our home;
So maybe it all needs a change today –
In You, our best alternative’s Your way.Lord, thanks for shifting me once more to this
The holding up once more Your “Heaven’s kiss” –
Photography in service of such need,
Which You communicate, that folks can see.Thanks Lord for this.