“C-Student?” (Matthew 13; John 15) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #49-50]
A saying goes about the grades
Of students, where it groundwork lays
For life beyond the schoolyard fights
To businesses in later life –“The C’s will rise above the B’s;
And A’s will work for foolish C’s”
Or words to that effect, at least,
In this paired-section is released –A solid sample of a “C”
Whose study-notes I think we see
Within the covers of this tome –
His principle, example’s blown.It is the thing which teachers see
In marking papers of the “C’s” –
“You’re sort-of right”; half-marks perhaps;
But not what A’s would say ’bout that.“ ‘Don’t step out from security’;
‘Be vigilant to dangers see’,
Are paired in fact in dance of war;
Examples aren’t as good – find more.”These two are really ’bout the “c’hi”,
Or psycho-strength both sides agree
Is critical to coming fight –
Preserving it is what’s in sight.Lord, what I’m hearing, when flipped ’round,
Is “Spirit’s high, don’t mess around –
Await the dissipation time
When c’hi subsides – you’ll make out fine.“So don’t let Satan’s evil ways
Though feisty, spirited, engage
Your spirit, let it dissipate;
Stay in security and wait.”And “When you’re deep in evil turf,
It’s best that you remain alert;
Abide in Me, do what you’re asked;
Let danger come, then go at last.”“Don’t be provoked”, is what I hear;
“Abide in Me, love casts out fear”;
“It’s not so much all win-or-lose,
But more, let Kingdom-presence loose.”But what I also hear in this
Is, I would really be remiss
If I did not reflect on self,
Before with other’s lives I dealt.“Security”, and “Danger” too,
Are part of life, so best we choose
To look at self in mirror clear,
And see what weaknesses appear –You said we need our soil prepared
For Kingdom-crops to grow – if scared,
Or greedy, quite distracted, or
We’re hurt (so touchy from before) –It’s best we deal with that ahead –
Let Holy Spirit deal instead
With us – not some big project now –
So crop can grow, as You allow.Thanks Lord for this.