“Pennants And Cook Fires” (Mt.4:16;10:31; Joshua 6; Judges 6; Jn.8:44) [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare # 25-26]
Apparent strength is oft a sham,
Where bluff and bluster, horn of ram
Are used as signals in the night,
And pennants, dust, dissuade a fight.For fear, just as on football field,
Can augment strength, force them to yield
Before a clash begins by day,
Or night where shadows hide the way –Things really are – for once the truth
Is truly known, quite clear the routes
Used by the foe, it’s plain to see
What’s going on – less need to flee.Lord, sham and pretext, here, online,
With flashy websites, half the time
Are like the pennants long ago,
And signal fires – it’s smoke they blow.“Fear not”, I hear you say to us
“Don’t sucker in to noise and fuss,
But bide in Me, I’ve overcome
The world with all its fife and drums”Lord, Kingdom-layer, the pinwheel’s pin,
Provide a place apart from spin
Which oft defines world-context here;
To me that deals with fact of fear.For fear is good, it cautions us,
Though over-riding it, in fuss,
Gives us an option based on truth,
And way of life – much better route.For when we live our lives on base
Of rock that’s solid, then our gait
Is steady ’midst the fluff and sham;
Thanks, Lord that in Your care I am.I also hear a clue in this –
If signals evil’s used, don’t miss
The fact his troops commanded are
By leaders from the forefront far.So don’t think evil-one himself
Will show up, risking life and health;
It’s not just flashy pennants, noise,
But lower ranks of girls and boys.And those are folks who see themselves
As “Self-made” folks, all quick to tell
You, “It’s just me, no satan here;
You’re daft – there’s none but me to fear.”While on Your side, it’s quite reverse –
“We ’bide in Christ”, repeated verse
Of our refrain – our Leader’s here;
Not me, but God you fight – that’s clear.Lord, I am also cautioned here
To ’bide in You – trust, do not fear;
And as we move at Spirit’s sway,
We give You room to act by day –And night – as light floods into life;
And trapped, en-mired are freed from tight
Constrictions placed upon their lives
By evil-one – who thereby thrives.Thanks Lord for freeing us today
To live our lives the Kingdom-way,
Despite nay-sayers trapped in gloom,
Rejecting greater living room.I love reverse of trumped up sham,
Where “Under-whelming” often can
Disarm – like Ashern insight scene
That night You showed Your way unseen.Thanks Lord for this.