“Alliances” [Reflections on Ralph D. Sawyer's Translation of One Hundred Unorthodox Strategies - Battle Tactics of Chinese Warfare #22]
Alliances are built on facts –
Best understood why others act
The way they do – what motivates
What others love, what others hate.Lord, as I ponder this man’s words,
One other aspect now is heard –
“Find out if he’s on Jesus’ team,
For that relates to “Mean and mean”.First, Christ’s against the evil one,
Who thinks that “mean and mean” are fun;
Christ’s into excellence for sure,
And love, not hate, describes allure –Of what He holds out for us folks,
Who long for life of fun and jokes,
Of singing, music, work that thrills;
Not satan’s fare of blood that spills.There’s been enough of shedding blood –
You on the cross here in the mud
Have made a way for Kingdom-life
Above this plane of needless strife.Lord, You don’t seek “alliances”,
But Body-life – compliance with
Your view of life, to us made known
Through life described in Scripture tome.Lord, now I’ve seen more clearly here
The way You’ve made Your object clear –
“Defeating evil” through each act,
And word, as You through each exact –A toll on evil in this world –
Your attitude ’bout life’s unfurled
For all to see – “I’m not impressed
With evil’s ways – that I’ll address.”Thanks Lord for this.