“Seeing It…” [Reflections on Sun Tsu's Art Of War #13–1B-1]

If I’d not seen it at this time,
I doubt belief would now be mine
That Sun Tsu’s words could possibly
Reverse themselves – that Christ we see.

But you had me hold off one round,
Do visit here – which was profound;
An incident long years ago
She spoke of – in it she would show –

That what I groped for was indeed
The truth she knew – that it would feed
Into this evil-link twixt man
And Christ’s agenda – Father’s plan.

Now as I come back to this piece,
It illustrates what Sun Tsu sees
As basis for the spying task,
Called “Perfect Knowledge” – people ask.

For though he pooh-poohs Spirit world,
That is the scene, above the whirl,
Of which I write – you knew indeed,
And spoke to me of deeper need.

For she affirmed my words with act
She’d done, just like Nee’s spoken fact,
That normal life lived out this way
Stomps evil down – right here, today.

He’s right, we need words from the front
As we each context now confront;
The Father and “the General”
Win battles quite exceptional –

Because foreknowledge that They have,
In both of them we pour the salve
On hurts, then on our donkeys drive
Folks into town – one more survives.

But stories ripple through the years
Of good Samaritans, which cheers
Our weary steps as we move on –
Less doubt, more courage in our song.

Analysis has its place too,
And calculations’ point of view;
Historical perspective shows,
But first-hand words a victory knows.

For “Divination” is not Christ,
Or Father-God, and its advice
Is not what here is spoken of;
The Scripture speaks of how to love –

Not on one’s own, but as Christ bids;
Not to buy oneself, but as God’s kids –
A part of body-life in Christ,
Informed by timely good advice.

Thanks Lord for this.
