“False Economy” (2 Timothy 3:16; 1 Corinthians 12; Romans 8:1ff; 1 John 4:1) [Reflections on Sun Tsu's Art Of War #13–1A]

Big expeditions cost a lot in cash paid out each day;
They often drag on many years before “Ta-Da!” We say;
They disrupt life at home, abroad, exhaust supporting group;
’Bout seven-to-one it takes to keep an active army troop.

So land’s not farmed, and jobs are left to waste from their neglect;
But intel on the enemy can speed the process – yet
Some leaders think, “Economize and skimp on Intel cost”;
But that is false economy – such never should be boss.

It’s inhumane to not find out what enemy has done,
Is doing, or is going to do, that battle might be won;
For loss of life and limb, and also cost of project here,
Could be reduced if funds went out to make each context clear.

Sun Tsu says all commanders should know this, attendants too;
For they will not victorious be, look more like first-class fools;
And when they lose a battle, or a war in larger scene,
It then comes clear there skinflint ways were of the “Mean and mean”.

Lord, I reflect back to Your words, they take new meaning now –
“Be wise as serpents, innocent as lambs” and You’ll allow
Us to be Spirit-guided, for You know the larger scene;
And as we ’bide in You each moment, safe we each have been.

You share your Intel of his ways by Spirit-guided walk;
Through Scripture’s rhema-words , you caution us as we’re Your flock;
You give us Prophets, guides, and teachers in our daily lives;
And if we listen to the Spirit, daily He’s our guide.

Rewards and payments, You dole out both now and up ahead;
Tell us to get priorities set right before we’re dead;
As body-parts we find ourselves in some important role,
As You define it, not the folks on earth with whom we stroll.

For Scripture says Your ways are not the same as those on earth;
For one thing, joy abounds for us, our lives are filled with mirth;
Old sober-sides, the evil-one, has reason to be cross,
All he’s got to look forward to – eternity of loss.

So Lord, as I go out today to carry on my life,
Please open up my eyes and ears to everything that’s nice;
Not focus on the mean and mean, but winsome be in style,
That others not as fortunate might join us in a while.

For Satan’s legions are dispersed to tempt us every day,
And cause disturbance in our lives, as twisted tales they say;
But we can also demonstrate the life we love so much,
And invite to the Kingdom-layer, each one whose lives we touch.

If nothing else, reports will go back to the big cheese there,
And he will have intelligence – have something to compare
To what he has to tempt us to (it’s second-rate at best),
But invite is for him as well – in meantime, I’ll take zest!.

Thanks Lord for this.
