“It’s D-Day Once Again”
Three quarters of a century
Ago, it was the start, I see,
Of D-Day, now two hours in
Since dawn saw end of war begin.It happen fast from this point on –
In Europe, soon their hope was gone;
The Japanese would feel the bomb
That ended years of life gone wrong.Lord, as the dawn now streaks the sky,
And we remember those who die
Still in our many smaller wars,
Help us respond to what’s before –Us in Your Kingdom ways of life;
Help us repent of endless strife;
Use me as You would to this end,
That all to Kingdom-life might bend.Help us to be what You had hoped
For us, when You viewed endless scope
Of possibility in life,
If we would just forswear such strife –Not only in its outward form,
But deep inside our hearts, where norm
To one and all is, “Dog eat dog”,
As we descend to miry bog.Lord, as this day of memory
Plays out displays of pageantry
Upon the war-torn beaches there,
Fill us anew with hope and care.Thanks Lord for this.