“His Ways” [Reflections on Sun Tsu's Art Of War #11 – 16-17A] (Psalm 92:5; Isaiah 55:8; 1 Corinthians 15: 24-28)

God’s way’s inscrutable to man –
I see that Christ’s engaging can
Help us to step on Kingdom-layer,
Receiving there our answered prayer –

But now, I also see His way’s
Inscrutable as well – which pays
In victory o’er Satan’s ploys
(Ensnaring adults, girls and boys).

Thus setting all free when they wish
To Jubilee accept – for this
Is free to all, both young and old –
In Scripture passages, we’re told.

Christ’s troops are “Body – single one”
Which Paul describes, for as we come
Onto the Kingdom-layer we learn,
Christ will not any person spurn.

But silence keeps to all mankind,
Until we need to know His mind
About some task of love He needs,
That Spirit’s work can then proceed.

It’s best that way – He tranquil is;
Quite quiet keeps about His biz;
“Upright”, “Impartial”, “Just”, and “Fair”,
Define His way of showing care.

Maintaining order in His ranks
With discipline, He renders thanks
For work and presence in His life,
As single body in the fight.

But not against, but for each one
Stuck in the mud, not having fun;
It’s “Mud” and “Slop” of evil’s ways
He’s quite against, ’gainst which He prays.

Lord, now I get the stuff You taught,
Where it fits in – core Jewish thought
Shared into cultures not Your own
That we might all find Kingdom-home.

As acts of love and mercy Yours,
Get done through us, then evil blurs
To better life in here and now;
And Satan’s ways dissolve – that’s how.

But it’s far more than “Being nice”,
Or doling out God’s sage advice;
I hear it now – direct attack
It makes – takes stolen treasure back –

From Satan’s winsome evil ways
He’s carried out in power-plays;
A Jubilee-ic freedom run,
With cool results – Oo-Eee! What fun!

Thanks Lord for this.
