“How Tsu” [Reflections on Sun Tsu's Art Of War#11-9-Pre] (Ex.14:13; gen ch.2-3; 1Cor. 15:24-28; Matt.4:23;7:7; Eph.6:12)
So what makes leaders good or bad,
In skills, that is, you wish they had,
Or were aware of anyway,
At least for your side on this day?In leaders of antiquity
They called them “Good” if one could see
Them act with excellence at war;
“Sophisticated” even more.Their skill lay in the “How-to” field,
Not “What” alone, they’d outcome yield;
For theory’s great, and has its place,
But in the field’s a different case.Both Jesus and the evil one
Are good – have many battles won;
Not rocket-science in a way,
But knowing, doing Tao to sway –The outcome from the bad to good
(For either side, that’s understood),
Is central to the game of war,
Where Sun Tzu says, “Much less is more”.Take “Action” in itself – today?
Take action in specific way?
The key to stepping out or not
Is, “What advantage has it got?”If no advantage, then sit still;
If great, then think, stay thinking ’till
The action is complete, then rest,
For situation’s been addressed.Lord, even at this bigger pix,
Forward or back, apart from tricks,
Gives two perspectives – who attacks?
And who is trying to drive them back?You have that long-term task at hand –
God’s enemies on which to stand
Are not the people roundabout,
But spirit-world, beyond a doubt.Folks think that is remote from here;
Since Eden, folks have made that clear –
“There is no spirit-world, a myth
That’s now outmoded – life’s like this –“It’s dog eat dog; get all you can;
Can all you get; and be the man;
It’s people who confront your ease,
As you absorb what e’er you please.“So set on lid, and shoot the rest;
Well-being and your greed’s addressed”;
But that’s what spirit is, my man –
The impetus to play “The man”.“The only aspect which can’t be
Is God – the rest you’ll quickly see
Is fluff – so let the central core
Of life for you be “Something more”.Both sides use tactics much the same –
Defend themselves in freedom’s name;
But long before the battle scene,
Ask where you stand re: mean and mean?For Kingdom-layer gives place to grow –
Imperfect now; not much we know;
But as we enter Kingdom-realm,
Engage with Jesus at the helm –Our lives gain possibility;
New options rise as we are freed
To be the ones God had in mind
When He invented us – the kind –Of person who can rise once more
To life on earth; knock at life’s door;
Seek highest and the best life holds;
And ask of life more than we’re told.Thanks Lord for this new insight page –
Six factors Tsu bids us engage
As we consider forward, back,
As You or satan mount attack.Thanks Lord for this.