Immegrant Retention

Basic Aspects of the Issue

One solution for rural depopulation in many people's minds is immigration. With so man people living in other parts of the world and so few in the rural areas, it seems natural for people to think that immigrants would be happy to come here to live. They trouble is, when immigrants come they very quickly move to the cities looking for work and other programs (e.g. language instruction) just as soon as they can manage it.

A good example of this phenomenon in Manitoba was the arrival of the "boat people" in the late 1970's, and their movement to larger centers a few years later. There simply are very few jobs in the Westman area. This issue ties in with the issue of migration of youth, for much the same reason.

Tweeten, in his book Fundamentals of Agricultural Policy spends considerable time reflecting on the population shift out of the agricultural areas to the cities, noting that this is not only understandable, but essential in terms of the actual farm population. With those people gone, the service delivery needs are much lower in the towns, so naturally people will go where the jobs are. After all, "self support" is one of he expectations we have of immigrants.

Rural Development Institute Research Studies

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