
The Basic Issue

This forestry material ties in with the Imes "staples" theory of early Canadian economic development which we are saddled with. The theory claims that much of our history has been shaped by the export of a linked series of raw materials, with very little "value added" activity taking place in this country. The forest industry is one of these export sectors.

The Canadian forestry sector is also faced with issues of sustainability owing to the fact that we have a short growing season, and he replacement cycle of trees is very long. Siva culture practice is under debate all across Canada, and questions such as the survivability of newly planted trees as opposed to the initial planting of those trees, continues to be a concern.

Pollution effects in rivers and lakes by the industry, and the removal of trees across the world with the reduction of their cleansing effect on the atmosphere are central issues to environmentalists.

As we destroy original forests and replace them with cultivated trees, the question arises as to what a forest is, as an Eco-system, and whether a group of trees is all that makes up a forest...is the sum greater than a few of its dominant parts?

As all these concerns arise in importance, they are having important spin-off effects on the rural social and economic scene. No longer is it possible to start up, adjust or maintain a forest-related industry without doing an environmental and social impact study. This process has recently become coordinated in joint Federal-Provincial studies when local issues arise, hopefully with better quality results for the amount of money expended.

Rural Development Institute Research Studies

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