
Basic Aspects of the Issue

Changes in Communications (as well as transportation) have contributed to many of the changes on the prairies in recent years. The current media hype holds out communications technology as the potential savior of rural society, but enabling rural centers to compete with urban agglomerations of resources and business services. With more jobs being conducted "on line" from rural centers, population figures will remain constant or increase, arresting the erosion of rural services.

Often such rosy pictures fail to take into account of the fact that those same communications technologies bring "online shopping" and its wealth of options right into the homes of rural citizens, further eroding the market base of small struggling enterprises.

Changes in communications have had a large impact on the quality of rural life however. Entertainment, information, and interpersonal contact have decreased the sense of isolation, and enriched daily life. As population continues to decline, communications technology will no doubt play an increasingly larger part in the fabric or an institutionally restructured rural life.

Rural Development Institute Research Studies

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