The Social Side of Medicine Related Poems

Volume I

A. The Fun And Games At Diagnosis Stage Section

Triage - Oct/7/08 Faulty logic.
The Doctor - Oct/30/08 Fear of incapacity.
Alzheimer's - Oct/30/08 Knowing when to quit.
The Church - Oct/30/08 Potential contribution of the Dying.
Headlights - Nov/3/08 Shrinking horizons and need for lead time in dealing with Cancer.
Middle See - Nov/12/08 Social Work in Medicine.
NCI Chat - Nov/18/08 Online support and the multiplying help we share with others outstrips Cancer's multiplying spread.
Logical Confinement - Nov/22/08 Trapped in our minds with the Word as release to us.
The Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven - Nov/24/08 We test each other, pressured responses difficult.
The Ice Flow - Nov/25/08 Relationship of dumping small thoughts to peaceful Elders.
Pioneer Mom- Nov/26/08 Nutrition and health assistance.
Pay-Up Time - Dec.01/08 Professional conversation norms do not carry over to civilian life always.
The End of the System-Mystress - Dec.02/08 Forced retirement due to health related issues.
Because It's Time - Dec.03/08 Foreshortened life from a cross cultural viewpoint.
Tina - Dec.06/08 Early childhood influences and euthanasia - the inconvenience of dependent people.
Giving Honor- Dec/08/08 Faith healing and medical practice and the need for mutually giving honor and working together.
Beside Still Waters - Dec/09/08 The power of listening to patients and giving perspective in attaining peace in the tumult.
The Encourager - Dec/09/08 The role of encourager, beginning to open back up to life after the blow of cancer - finding my place in life again.
The Vanguard- Dec/11/08 Truly elite people in the health-care field and their positive influence as they give us leadership as patients.
Short-Field Take-Off - Dec/11/08 The importance of taking time to make significant (nutritional)lifestyle changes to ensure permanence of change.
Spring Breakup - Dec/11/08 Addressing unfinished business in face of foreshortened life horizon.
Future Present - Dec/11/08 Grappling with foreshortened time - help from our experience of holiday time.
Morning Prayer - Dec/11/08 The limits of personal influence in duration countered by those of quality.
Statistical Pain- Dec/16/08 The struggle within patients not to report potential symptoms in a medical system dominated by a "credit/blame" dynamic.
Radiant Beams - Dec/17/08 A model (and need) for resolving the medical-miracle friction from either-or to both-and.
Shop Floor Transformation - The Woman From India - Dec/17/08 A tool/process for (and the need for) catching folks who fall between the cracks in a society dominated by large impersonal systems like health-care.
The Lieutenant - Dec/19/08 Retirement parties as life-affirming events which, like film editing, edit out life's errors.
Dare I To Hope - Dec/20/08 The ephemeral, yet essential, nature of hope in the healing process.
Dreams - Dec/22/08 Grappling with the depression stage of grief in facing one's own death, and in particular loss of power gained at birth to decide and make things happen.
"Breakfast" To The Chicken And The Pig - Dec/23/08 Doctors contribute to our survival, airline pilots participate in it, putting the prompt reporting of problems on a different basis for each.
Community - Dec/24/08 Grappling with the mixed blessing of (uncooperative) powerful people in community; resolving the tension between individual and community needs.
Christmas 1946 - Dec/25/08 Christmas reflection on my early life on the reserve with inadequate health care but strong spiritual community.
Of What Remains? - Dec/29/08 Christmas, the dominant culture's season of giving, raises profound issues in face of one's impending death.
The "ology" of "Med'sun" - Dec/31/08 Faceless (institutionalized) evil and historic controls on medical powers in various cultures, in light of "exit-voice-and loyalty" philosophy.
Our Day - Jan/07/09 The grace we receive during the erie silence between tests and hearing their results.
The Competitor- Jan/07/09 The case for the competitive (medical) business model vs. the socialized business model in response to a query.
The Swordsman - Jan/07/09 Starting to be able to see life again from within another's perspective - peace, before results are in.
The Twister's Eye - Jan/09/09 Extreme anxiety just prior to getting results of tests - and the comparative peace within the eye of a hurricane.

B. A Shift In Locus Of Control Section

"Cure Day" - Jan/10/09 The problem of gullibility in in dealing with people who work in large institutions and the need to drive one's own truck.
"A Bullet Dodged" - Jan/11/09 First attempts at putting Cancer in perspective re: preventing this mess for others.
"Journey's End" - Jan/11/09 The challenge of rejoining others after a tough journey which has been uniquely different from theirs.
"The Survivor" - Jan/11-12/09 "Survivor guilt" and the rift (from both sides) that emerges between survivor and those who continue in the struggle.
"Communion" - Jan/11/09 Reflection on an ancient explanation for "the tensions between individuals and groups of healthy folks" which return after a crisis is over.
"Journey's End -- A new Beginning" - Jan/12/09 The need for citizen participation in health care reform and the seeming lack of leadership in such reform by those with the most power within the system, the doctors.
"Two Tears For The Healthcare System...Hip Hip..." - Jan/21/09 Reflections on the (sad) current existence of a two-tier healthcare system in Manitoba apparently based on wealth and marginalization.
"Tummy" - Jan/21/09 Reflection on communication problems in the health care system.
"Mixing Drinks" - Jan/22/09 The surprising pounding one takes as one slams against both good and bad aspect of ongoing diagnosis in the ups and downs of cancer.
"Getting Through Christmas" - Jan/22-23/09 Recovery of Joy and Laughter.
"Faith" - Jan/23/09 The financial crisis (personal and agricultural) in the country and the future role of euthanasia in it all.
"More" - Jan/23/09 Resolved to make the most of more.
"Derby Fanfare" - Jan/23/09 The societal destruction of (economic) hope, such a critical player in health recovery and maintenance.
"The Windows Of My Soul" - Jan/23/09 Reflection on the "four windows" perspective on our limited self-understanding.
"Rural Chapel" - Jan/23/09 Rural and Urban life in Manitoba are linked, particularly between Ag chemicals and urban cancer, and the two economies.
"Terminal Generation" - Jan/25/09 Jung's reflections on passing on cultural and family legacies (or not) to our children and community.
"Flight" - Jan/27/09 Not playing it safe and affect-stripping but make the most of my new time.
"Imperfection" - Jan/31/09 Concern about imperfect choices now with second chance. The diagnosis is in gestation until 15 month point in August...and even then with imperfections of my own.
"Connections" - Feb/4/09 God sex and a job can all feed us when our culture base is connected, but often don't if not culturally connected.
"Resonances" - Feb/6/09 The deep multi-generational connections which we inherit and pass on.
"Credibility" - Feb/7/09 Unnecessary arrogance and inducements to bias in the medical field (and life).
"Over The Wall" - Feb/11/09 I need a team of Doctors to get through this storm so as to help others.
"Louis Riel Day (Indian Health Care Song)" - Feb/16/09 A song focused on the experience of getting thrown in with the "lower tier" folks in the health care system (which I now see many of the above poems reflect), and not liking it at all.

C. A Shift In Locus Of Operation Section

"Between A Rock And A Card Place" - Feb/24/09 The need to clean up our environment globally (of carcinogens) and locally (with our debt economy) to avoid catastrophic problems with widespread cancer etc.
"The Gift" - Mar/06/09 Check the swerves for energy losses - trim the sail - as before as a child.
"The Living And The Dead" - Mar/12/09 Perhaps even worse material has been cut out - in both surgery and pruning of activities - New life comes from the root.
"First Anniversary" - Mar/10/09 Two snapshots of 1st Anniversary of discovery.
"Slippage" - Mar/13/09 Health issues need to be put like a rock in a jar - big chunks first - to reduce slippage.
"Lonesome Valley" - Mar/15/09 Do the 20 additional years for Dad and I - fully - with blindness too.
"Vacated Space" - Mar/17/09 Hunker down for the coming storm so as to survive to sail again another day.
"Crossing Cultural Lines (And Third Culture Kids)" - Mar/22-23/09 A review of the 90 poems to date surfaces the cultural crossing issue and its energy-sapping effects in relational areas of life.
"To Mentor" - Mar/28/09 The need for a mentor to help us triupmh in end-of-life challenges.
"Now" - Apr/02/09 As we age, we find ourselves increasingly investing in a future for others rather than for ourselves.
"Wilder Penfield" - Apr/02/09 The spirit, unlike other human faculties does not seem to deteriorate with age, but rather, can mature and grow under challenge, but does not necessarily do so - we have a part to play in its development.
"Genetic Train" - Apr/06/09 Reflection time when awaiting test results -- on continuity of life over generations and our place and outlook in it.
"Forthright Authenticity" - Apr/07/09 Good communication in the health-care industry is subject to many pressures. Forthright authenticity rather than pretense at perfection/external standards is enabled by the reality of forgiveness.
"Income vs. Outgo" - Apr/09/09The impact of knowing that someone knows and cares about the person being dealt with, and what is important to that person...and its role in the overall healing process
"The Substantiating of Things Hoped For " - Apr/15/09This Day " - Apr/15/09Marriage Encounter program and a Cancer Survivor's book both suggest to look at why go on living and why together.
"This Day "The treasure and challenge of a day I thought I'd never see.
"New Lease On Life " (End of the Costa Rica Trip)- Apr/19/09A reflection on the claim that sudden shifts to another venue have healing effects in light of this recient trip.
"The Allergy In Perfection " - Apr/20/09A reflection on the root of interpersonal/inter-cultural conflict and its relolution in relation to the pursuit of excellence - a common phenomenon in the health-care field
"Life-Giving Memory " - Apr/22/09Our use of the ordinary things that others don't have is refreshment to others often. Alzheimer's patients appreciate the memory of others, and notice how they use it or don't.

Re-integration Of Photography Into Life – In Relation To Cancer Section :

"The Tumblin' Roamin' catholic " - Apr/24/09-AMReflection on the challenge of impending change just before the start of Art Therapy classes - and the role of stress caused by cross cultural conflict in my life in relation to Cancer.
"Ambassador Of Friendship " - Apr/24/09-AMA reflection on the prsonal challenge of meeting new people and my past responses to this challenge -- just before teh start of art therapy group.
"Rip Van Winkle " - Apr/24/09-AMA reflection on the challenges of returning to workforce /society after an illness or absence - and the relative value of inner and outer development / obsolescence - Just before the start of Art Therapy Classes.
"The Week In Between " - Apr/24/09-PMReflection after the first Art Therapy group meeting on the personal agenda of using the classes as a locus of integrating former photographic medium of expression into the current medical challenge as a means of personal expression.
"That Pesky End Of Time " - Apr/25/09The ongoing challenge of becoming overwhelmed by the immediate challenges of life during recovery, and of keeping one's perspective.
"Second Chance " - Apr/30/09Reflection on the larger sweep of my life, past, present, and future, in relation to Victor Frankle's book "Man's Search for Meaning" and his insight into the role of meaning in one's survival in strife.
"The Pebble In Our Shoe" - Apr/31/09 The daily toll of small irritants as we walk through cancer-land
"The Picture Lived " - May/02/09The challenges and rewards encountered when doing/experiencing group therapy across cultures, reflections on the Cree vs. English approaches to Group Therapy, and my particular preference for the Cree approach.
"A Watercolor " - May/03/09A reflection on the role of pets in inner healing, at the time of loss of a friend's pet.
"Psalm 22's Love Passed Along " - May/03/09Health has inner and outer physical preventive aspects, which have social-spiritual dimensions. And ancient Psalm along these lines updated from the point of view of an outsider to the group whose poet penned the thought.
"Ooops... " - May/05/09 A reflection on a missed appointment and the problems of miscommunication, error, and human frailty.
"Four Steps Behind " - May/05/09 A tongue-in-cheek look at medical waiting lists.
"Prayer For A Friend " - May/06/09An example of the many ways people pray for their friends...from words to actions.
"This Little Congregation" - May/07/09 Mother has Alzheimer’s disease, which involves the loss of recent memory, with early memories last to go. Each week I have been taking her to the church she went to as a child, which she recalls vividly, so for her it is like walking into a time warp. This poem/song is a thank-you for that weekly blessing that group makes for her in her otherwise bleak life.
"First Anniversary Of Diagnosis" - May/08/09Art Therapy's profound impact on the first anniversary of diagnosis.
"My Mistake Last Week" - May/09/09Recognigtion of the sexual side of colon Cancer, and some subtle mental connections personally with an earlier life-incident.
"Don't Be Afraid" - May/10/09 Some benefits of the dynamic uncovered in art therapy and some details of the earlier precipitating incident.
"The Creenglish Side Of Freedom" - May/10/09Reflection on the cross-cultural stressor factor and its distinction from race.
"The Picture" - May/10/09The challenge and benefit of giving and receiving feedback in group work (art therapy).
"Perspective" - May/10/09Some reflections on anger and its effects.
"Inside Looking out" - May/11/09A current incident on the internet of site-abuse and its implications for open and honest sharing in a troubled world.
"Lying Down In Green Pastures - Expressions In Clay" - May/16/09 Midpoint in Art Therapy - the challenge of pressing forward through the wall to integration of Photography in this present situation of cancer.
"Managing Losses" - May/17/09 Handling non-terminal losses in the latter half of life, in relation to the possibilities which this new stage of life brings with it.
"Inside-Outside" - May/20/09 Reflection on life outside community, and the healing /life-gining dynamics of community.
"The Presence" - May/20/09 Reflection on integrety of thought and life, and taking a chance on people...and its effects.
"This Wrinkled Clay" - May/23/09 The experience of session five in Art right brain trauma is shifted to left brain and its healing effects start to emerge.
"Many Hands " - May/25/09Teamwork enables better individual contributions with less stress.
"The Pastor " - May/25/09What we are shows through what we do, particularly when we have been through great difficulties in life.
"The Sun, The Moon, And The Stars" (A Costa Rican Expression) " - May/25/09 Grappling with the effects of secondary medical bad news and the faces of fellow travelers on this journey.
"Testosterone At 60 " - May/26/09From teen years, males like to arrive under's sexier. Doctors are no exception - they like their power toys and power chemicals.

The Start of Stu-Art Output Section :

"Communion " - May/26/09 Symbols in health and faith areas - written, photographed, or acted out, are not necessarily permanent, shifts as life moves on, and frequently needs refreshing.
"Four Things We Need - 1 - Daily Bread " - May/26/09Jesus suggested that we need to ask for 4 things on a daily basis. Food is so vital to health.
"Four Things We Need - 2 - Forgiveness" - May/26/09Jesus suggested that we need to ask for 4 things on a daily basis. Forgiveness is a large part of life at the boundaries of cultures, as a stress reducer ...stress and cancer are a bad mix.
"Four Things We Need - 3 - Deliverance From Temptation" - May/26/09Jesus suggested that we need to ask for 4 things on a daily basis. Temptation in many life-areas is often strong when we are not at our best and under pressure of ill health.
"Four Things We Need - 4 - Deliverance From Evil " - May/26/09 Jesus suggested that we need to ask for 4 things on a daily basis. Evil seem to be prevalent amongst the poor and culturally marginalized, which raises the issues of equitable service and funding of the needs of the marginalized cultures in society.
"Second Death" - May/27/09Having dealt with aspects of death before,the second round of it is no longer new turf.
"Tempo In The Town" - May/28/09Finding and addressing the cultural and sub-cultural tempos around us is key to harmonious and stress-free living.
"Second Careers" - May/28/09Though cycles of obsolescence have increased stress and decreased the opportunity to hone crafts, modern medicine has also given time for second careers in the period of extended life span.
"Acceptance" - May/28/09A reflection of acquisition and preservation of artifacts (junk), as an alternative to hearing the healing words,"I love you" in one "love language".
"On Keeping On Keeping On" - May/30/09The cyclic nature of the cancer roller-coaster with it's ups and downs, and downward spiral, keeps centering around the issue of how best to spend the remaining time, and how hating one's road hastens death.
"Victory Lap" - May/30/09 The themes of photo expression (now freed through art therapy) and leaving a trail, merge with the experience of doing a victory lap in an earlier bad experience even while things looked bleak. The relentless cyclic nature of the disease is pictured as driving the truck on the victory lap.
" 'How Then Will Jesus Get Down?' " - May/31/09 The role of images in health is well documented. - An image given in story time at Church gave a young mother a tool with which to raise her child, with a mystery for him to grow up into - not all images need to be understood to be effective, sometimeits power is in its mystery.
"Wind Of The Spirit" - May/31/09 Reflectionon the wind storm just around the time of Pentacost Sunday - power for life. Cancer walk participant point of view..
"O Lord Your Spirit" - May/31/09Mid Week healing refreshment of a music leader at the lake prior to leading worship
"Third Layer" - May/31/09Yet another layer of the traumatic "onion" (initiated in art therapy session) is peeled back and examined. This layered pain with its interconnections is conducive to artistic output. The current process of trauma therapy is referred to.
"Fifty-one Percent" - June/1/09Getting organized on limited energy is a chore which has cultural implications based on perceptions of time. Medical treatments and conditions effect the picture too.
"Blessing From Pain" - June/2/09 As good comes after the flood, so good can come out of pain.
"The Painter" - June/5/09 Any art-form can have the added benefits of message carrying in difficult situations, including cross-cultural boundaries which seem impermeable. It is best to have the outlet in place as life goes along, so it is there when when dealing with a complex medical system.
"John" - June/5/09 Dreams have a large part to play in all art forms, especially in some cultures. Residual effects of a family death can interfere with future life for the survivors. Art Therapy can release such effects and free one into life.
"The Choice" - June/6/09 Nothing like having to make a simulated choice to clarify one's resolved issues...Photographing beautiful scenes and people is much preferred to riding around the desert on a horse (whether it has a name or not).Third culture kids are world citizens...not tied to a locale. A clear statement of the benefits of Art Therapy.
"Who Is This Man?" - June/7/09 Reflection on a word portrait of a distant acquaintance. There are unexpected benefits when we reach out to strangers with quiet accepting generosity.
"Location's False Promise" - June/7/09A reflection on the need to live in the present with a focus on people rather than place or task, as living authentically, with joy is winsome to others, and generally is a healthier lifestyle. The whirl of life provides sufficient shift of location.
"If I Could Stay Away " - June/16/09 Yet another round of silliness. Doctors' procedures and wait times etc. make them look like circus clowns, which is bothersome. If I could I would stay away, I would.
"The Unteachables " - June/16/09 The first of my laying out of the components of my negative "package" of emotions in preparation for the final Art Therapy Class. Reflection on my formal education and the "teacher-researchers" who inhabit that institutional system. My love of learning but dislike of the downside behavior of that particular motivational gift and their negative legacy. Fortunately, photography is a self-learning sport.
"The Picture Window " - June/18/09 The theme of Sex and its connection to photography and cancer explored as the puzzle resolves and photography, with the assistance of art-therapy, re-enters my life-stream once more.
"Money's Use " - June/19/09 Cancer has direct and hidden costs, and profoundly affects our attitude to spending/saving. Reflection on the Cost of this last round (of Cancer) and the use of money in my life, with reference to my role in life from here in light of the recent findings.
"Redemption " - June/23/09 Adjustment of earlier fragmented understandings from childhood is often part of the stress reduction process needed for ongoing health and recovery, assisted for me through Art Therapy.

F. Concluding Poem of Volume I

" 'The Play's The Thing' " - June/25/09 A mini-play set on a children's cancer ward. In giving of ourselves we come to be, seen particularly in the face of our own death..

Volume II

From Conclusion Section (# 172-209):

" 2-4-6-8 " - July/4/09 Reflection on the clash between Scottish and Cree outlooks on life in regards to proactive striving, and reference to the need to deal with resulting inner strife in relation to cancer and other disease.
" The Quarterback " - July/10/09Inspiration gained by another person facing MS to move on in life when facing life as a cancer survivor.
" 'The Triumph Of Hope Over Reality' " - July/12/09Reflectin on an incident when reading the story of the death of John the Baptist in church. Reference to hope in midst of multiple types of tragedy and death.
" Resonances " - July/15/09Reflection on Metis Poet Gregory Scofield's Poetic readings. Dropping of stress as one hears resonances from home as well as references to prolonged suppression of voice and its effects on people
" A Week Now Since His Quiet Laugh " - July/17/09 Visit to referring doctor. Need to keep stress down in relation to recurrence of cancer.
" If You Had Fifty Days To Live " - July/17/09 Using the image of counting the 50 days an "Omar" (bushel) of barley grew from Passover to Pentecost, the question is raised as to what one could grow in one's life in such a period if that was all that remained of life.
" Freedom's Choice " - July/19/09 Use of media in creating healthy communities in which to grow, and the power of choice of response which cannot be removed from us.
" The Snap Of Others' Work " - July/22/09 Dropping stress by stopping inappropriate involvement in other people's lives.
" Lies' Eyes " - July/24/09 Honesty whether in facing death or living relationships in community is refreshing and health giving.
" The Speed Bump [Poem withheld at present in consideration of circumstances]" - July/24/09
" The Runner " - July/24/09 Reference to the encouraging effects of a support group in recovery from cancer.
" Some Serve" - July/24/09 The powerful effects of (often unseen) people who help in recovery of health by linking people together for mutual support.
"Pandemic Of Silence" - July/26/09 Dream of pandemic with handful of survivors raises questions of forming new future life for humanity, within which are implications for our smaller scale life after cancer.
"Silence In Economics" - July/26/09 Stress is brought on by life in our global economy. Prayer for those engaged in the economic system , especially our children, who often live beyond our day to day presence in the Global village.
"Isaiah's Band" - July/26/09 The clash of cultures within a Canadian church, the source of stress for me as articulated in the art therapy class.
"Making Peace" - July/26/09 A visit to the peace gardens with its new addition of the material from ground zero of World Trade center attack. The clash of cultures, the inter-gift/culture allergy, and the way peace is made and maintained.
"Saying Grace" - July/26/09 A couple crosses cultures to build orphanages in Kenya as an expression of their faith in light of the pandemic of AIDS there.
"Avocation" - July/31/09 The assistance gained in sorting out vocation from avocation ( to balance out one's life) by making community contributions (in this case a cross-cultural missions effort) within which one has no or little say, but works under another's direction.
"TGIS (Thank God It's Sunday)" - August/2/09 Shifts in the type of work bring exhaustion, especially out of one's strength areas, for which a day off each week is welcome relief, reducing stress and giving life.
"Forty Years" - August/2/09 A look back and forwards at the time of the fortieth anniversary of our sickness and in health.
"Brandon's New Bridge" - August/2/09 A reflection on the third anniversary of the insight into my "Third Culture Kid" experience, and the cross-cultural / bridging role that is emerging for myself out of that reality, at the time when Brandon itself is getting a new road bridge. This discovery reduced a great deal of stress in me.
"To Love Again" - August/2/09 A reflection on the welcome restoration of stressed relationships after both sickness and extended period of stress in relationships like marriage which seems to involve periods of both "better and worse" for many of us.
"Without Constraint" - August/3/09 Reflection on the shortage of time for art for working people in relation to the shortage of time caused by Cancer. Reference to the life choices which emerge when cancer repriorizes life after recovery.
"First Job" - August/4/09 Reflection back to my first job and two sermons encouraging me to move forward despite the past.
" A Creenglish Look At Kenya" - August/8/09 Reflection on Kenya's orphan problem and the social side of medicine writ large.
"A Change In Style" - August/6-9/09 Reflections on the source of income in relation to types of ministry. Reference to the chaos in personal life arrangements brought about by the onset of cancer.
"What Is This Child's Name?" - August/10/09 Reflection on the death of one of the orphans in the project I was assisting.
Hope In Small Packages - August/11/09 Reflection on budgeting of limited money,time and energy within a larger skewed economic context, and the source of hope for small players within such a reality. Reference to sickness and death induced by social structures.
Two Languages Of Love - August/11/09 Reflection on whose love language gets used...that of the giver or the receiver. Reference to greeting cards like those used in times of illness.
‘Map’ - The Code For ‘Books’ - August/13/09 Reflection on the meaning of "books" to me (its 'code'). Reference to what is often termed "bibliotherapy" - using literature as a theraputic tool.
The Workman - August/14/09 A reflection on the code for tools work and call as viewed cross culturally. Relevance to Medical people and their tools.
“Over-against” - August/14/09 A poetic reflection on the approaching third anniversary of realization I am a TCK, with implications for my writing. Reference to art therapy.
"The Deep Longing Of My Soul" - August/15/09 A poem reflecting on initial work-priorities following brush with cancer - the First Nations Learning style project emerges.
"Dim The Rear-View Mirror" - August/15/09 Reflection on inter dependant gifts and the power of an earlier project in getting people on with their lives. A powerful tool for people returning to life after cancer.
"Our Goodbyes" - August/16/09 Reflection on losses due to the breakups of friends. Not all losses are medical, but often take place amidst our own medical journey of loss - life goes on.
"Habdalah - Letting Go" - August/16/09 Habdalah is the ceremony ending the day of rest each week, and the start of a new week for Jews. A reflection on the ending of holidays and fresh start to a new work year, and my need for officially marking all transitions.
"The Butterfly" - August/18/09 The concluding poem of this set of poems. Reflection on the transformation I have felt in myself through this journey through Cancer-land compared to the actual experience of death and resurrection, both spiritual and physical.
