“Deja-Vu 01 - Poems Relating To Subsequent Cancer Issues In Self ”
NOTE: These poems appear sequentially in the main poem database, and links to them appear here in annotated form for convenience.
A.______ Section
B.______ Section
- “Kingdom Layer Gifts At Work ”(Ps.34:8-11) [Poem withheld temporarily] (Nov/15/2016)For many people, the issue of cancer's recurrence is a constant and ongoing reality.
- “Porque's Not A Pig ” [Reflection on Book The Loom of language, by Frederick Bodmer and Lancelot Hogben (ed), 1944 (pp. 17-21)] (Nov/21/2016) Reflection on the hymn "Because He Lives, I Can Face Tomorrow"
- “Enormity” (Nov/26/2016) We are all in need of assistance at some point in our lives.
- “Hope ” [Reflections On Book The The Book Of Revelation "K" (Rev. 19:6; Lamentations 3:19-33)] (Nov/27/2016)The minister started Advent by lighting the Christ Candle, stating that we do not await Christ, but rather Christ has come and gives us hope in a fallen world.
- “Not Sure” [Poem withheld temporarily] (Nov/29/2016)Sometimes we can live in a situation that is "sick", rather than us being the sick party.
- “When Story's Done” [Poem withheld temporarily](Nov/30/2016) A speaker once said that we don't see clearly until our last chapter comes, then we see it all and it makes sense.
- “Aleppo ” (19/Dec/2016) There are a lot of parallels between the current journey of Syrian refugees to safety, and our journeys through cancer-land.
- “Solo Life ” (20/Dec/2016) A socially caused disease like Cancer we do not / cannot fight alone.
- “A Bad Scene ” (24/Dec/2016) Getting through Christmas with cancer is a challenge.
- “Above The Fray ” (12/01/2017) The still center of life's chaos and our seeing our need for it once chaos hits.
- “Language ” (23 /01/2017) The image of a frozen lake as a place to skate over life's obstacles.
- “The Pin In The Pinwheel - El Molinillo ” (24/01/2017) A reflection on some of the basic ingredients of the "stillness" at the center of life's whirl.
- “Primary Zeal? ” (24/01/2017)Sudden death from any cause has massive implications for those who remain living on earth.
- “The Bet" (Ps. 107:23-32) (30/01/2017) The nature of relationships will always out in both crisis and close proximity, but truth is always better than fiction
- “Shall We Sing First? ” (30/01/2017)The younger generations can help lift us over life's barriers.
- “Sometimes... ” (30/01/2017) Illness can sometimes make us stop and accept more gradual changes in our lives which have been sneaking up on us.
- “Deep Waters" (Ps. 107:23-32) (07 /02/2017) yet) This section of a Psalm describes the tumult of cancer and other calamaties as being like a storm at sea, but rather than being overwhelmed, the author finds benefit in the experience, assuming that people are built for deep waters.
- “Invite the 'No' ” (16 /02/2017) Many needs arise in the course of the Cancer journey...if you are uneasy about asking for assistance, here's one person's solution...invite the no and surprise yourself.
- “Where (On Earth?)Do You Live? " [Language series] (06/Mar/2017) What are past, present, and future tenses really in light of up-shift of location from fins to central pin of a pinwheel?
- “Blessed Are Those Who Mourn” [A.T. series #21A] - (Matt:5:4) (June/05/2017) In the chaos of a storm at sea, there are two peaks for every trough...and in the troughs, the stars are more visible...
- “What Evil Is” [A.T. series #21B] (June/05/2017) A reflection on an Art Therapy Piece showed me just how much the question of the nature of evil was on my mind, at the time. This tends to happen at the most unexpected times for some of us.
- “Our Longest Days ” (June/21/2017) Cancer raises to many minds the question of "what is evil?"
- “Response #1 (To Disk Number One) - Just Do It ” [Reflection on Jim Cramer's Audio book Mad Money - Disk #1] (June/27/2017) It is time to blow the locks and free the people around you.
- “Focus ” [Spanish Jerusalem Bible Genesis 1:1-2 - Bible Series] (June/28/2017) Focus on what can still give life rather than on the deadening chaos around.
- “One Billion For A Buck ” [Reflections on John Perkin's The New Confessions Of An Economic Hitman (pp274-275) ] (July/05/2017) Sometimes it is best to mind your own business and let the rest go.
- “The Word ” (July/11/2017) Some cancer is age related.
- “Everyday Bread” "Pan De Coda Dia" [YouTube - The Lord's Prayer (Matt.6:11)] (July/14/2017) In crisis we are often fed by good memories of everyday life in earlier times.
- “ Exclusionary Stats” [Canadian Economy series A-6 -Labor Force] (July/31/2017) In order to look good stats (eg of wait times) are routinely fiddled with.
- “Where? (¿dónde?)” [Spanish Series (Matt. 6:32-33 Jerusalem Spanish Bible)] (Sept13/2017) Being still on the center pin of the whirling pinwheel can often be a model for others out in the spinning blades of circumstance.
- “Fathers and Sons ” (Sept18/2017) Realizing that no is as much a part of loving response as yes, is sometimes hard to learn. Learning it in tough situations like when illness strikes or recurs can be difficult. Deal with it now.
- “ 'a' (towards) ” [Spanish Series (Jer.4:30; Jerusalem Spanish Bible)] (Sept20/2017) We change, but at a deep level we don't change quickly. So don't leave deep change until the pressure is on, for example when illness strikes, or recurs suddenly
- “ Growth ” [Camers Soul Series - reflections on David du Chemin's book The Soul Of The Camera #1 - pp.i to 32)] (Sept/22/2017) The shots we take in photography are always different because we grow through the experiences which happen between shots...in a never ending spiral which may cover the same material again and again, but with newly added height (or depth) arising from new growth in us. Illness is frequently a context of personal growth
- “A Body Of Work ” [Camera Soul Series - reflections on David du Chemin's book The Soul Of The Camera # - pp. 55 to 66 )] (Sept/28 /2017) An ordinary piece of artwork can take on added meaning later when included in a collection or body of work. New circumstances, like the emergence of or recurrence of illness, can add such new meaning, creating a new "body of work".
- “La Contraire ” [ ] ( ) (Oct/01 /2017) Life is short - value your days.
- “Activamente Dispuesto (Actively Willing) ” ( Nov/07/2017) Healing of any sort requires both consent and personal involvement, which means we have choice in the matter...always
- “A Header ” [Poem Withheld Temporarily] ( Nov/07/2017) The age and stage of illness and healing have huge implications for us in our choices and responses.
- “The View From Here ” [Poem withheld temporarily] (Nov/12/2017)