“What Of Today?” [Reflections On Book - 100 Ideas That Changed Graphic Design Stephen Heller and Veronique Vienne - #79]

What of today? What symbols speak of “Now”?
Once lines of speed, airbrushed to show just how
The age obsessed with factories and such
Was on the move – such symbols said so much.

Then Rand cut lines in letters, like a scan,
To lighten up a logo – was a man
Who used the current added to the past
Said “IBM” is old but moving fast –

Not as in “Speed”, but rather, “Up to date”
The other artists jumped, ideas couldn’t wait
So eighties used the scan-lines motif well
Which leads us back – what image now could sell –

A church, a home, a family, a friend?
An ethic, scope, objective that to could bend
From epic greatness to the modern age?
For change is here, in fact, it’s all the rage.

That is our challenge – what about the “Layer”?
The ice that’s smooth, fast moving flow of prayer;
No obstacles to skating on such ice;
They’re down below, obstructing life that’s nice.

Or task of Christ – to stomp down enemy
(satan, that is), as He sets people free
From traps he’s set – fresh view of ancient task;
What symbol says, “The cross is far from passed”?

Thanks Lord for this.
