“The Hawser’s Process”
That’s cool, says I, as I reflect on this –
A bunch of items checked off on my list;
Each one a tiny thread I weave into
That hawser – pushing out ahead to do –Some rescue task I’ll likely never see;
Augmented text a tool thought up by me,
And fiddled with until there’s clarity
In art-form artists now can barely see.Lord, hawser’s end, as I now understand,
Is “cash” related, formed in Weaver’s hand;
Dyslexic’s many fiber-actions bent
Into a single hawser – heaven sent.What I now see is how it shapes my day,
As I pick up some item – make some hay
With it until another supersedes
It in priority, that braid succeeds.I could do “cuatro” sheet with itemed list;
Then take each action, so no part is missed,
Like “Backlog”, “Posting”, “Annotating page”,
Or “Chapters in a book” – see how it plays.That’s flexible, like frog in circled race,
As it allows each part to have its pace
And rhythm – lets me see when each is done;
Augmented text developing its run.A base of items could lay out each sheet;
Perhaps a number-box keeps tallies neat;
“Bring up the rear-most item” is my won’t,
Which then is structured in – avoiding swamp.Not sure how this would “Chunk” in hawser’s threads;
Perhaps that’s more for when big picture’s read,
And coarse-adjustment’s called for in the mix,
So larger target aim (to cash) I’d fix.Lord, at this point, the point I’m grateful for,
Is seeing how transition time’s been more
Than just extracting me from former tasks,
In that it shows me how to blend what’s asked –Into Your future-hawser-tool for use
By others up the road – dyslexic’s loose
Un-ordered lives get focused, yet, are blest
By multi-streams of actions – sans the mess.Thanks Lord for this.