“The Scout”

I think of Bugsy Siegel,
Casinos which he built –
Lone desert sands surrounding
The place where folks get bilked –

With gambling tokens purchased
(Small packages of hope),
Amidst the glitz and glitter,
Mind-numbing hits of toke.

He had a vision (twisted)
Beyond the guys with cash;
It took a while to gather
The crowds, so he got trashed.

The people who then followed?
No risking was for them –
They ventured on the pathways,
Self-interest they’d attend –

“It’s family” their watchword;
“He was not from our clan,
So he got killed fulfilling
What’s now our family-plan”.

Lord, that’s like life eternal –
The vision people scoff,
But You hold out in victory
Redeeming what is lost.

For me, it’s of that vision
You hold before my eyes,
And promise a part-taking
Before end-time arrives.

I’m hearing – “It’s much bigger
Than you, or than your kin;
Just do your part, relinquish
The picture you are in.

“For other hands are waiting
To take up what you write;
Folks who won’t come for eons
Through whom the future’s bright.

So don’t forget to savor
The campfires and the smoke,
Chuck wagons and the coffee,
Of which the “Westerns” spoke –

“For scouting has its pleasures,
Not just in visions bright,
But days within the saddle,
Horizon’s dawning sight.

“Though Bugsy did not last long,
His pleasure had both parts –
“Long view” he watched the emerging,
And thrilled at each days start.

So spend some time enjoying
The pleasures of your time,
Then leave them for descendants
And cross your salty brine.

Okay, thanks Lord, for that.
