“Small Beginnings”

Amazes me how small it is –
Satoshi’s seed idea – biz
That’s picked it up to play with it –
How blessed we are – and some see fit –

To use it other ways as well –
Cryptography – that numbered hell
To me – yet look what numbers do
Beneath computer’s outside to view!

So nice I need not work that way,
But, rather, use such tools to play
With making other tools to solve
The blockages which must dissolve –

For folks to move on in their lives
(Though Kingdom-layer lets each one thrive
Above all blockage – pinwheel’s pin
Or frozen layer above its spin).

The block chain cannot be sustained
The way I think – must be maintained;
Though greed, desire, and lust for cash,
As engine, for a while, will last!

At any rate, technology
Which can empower, transparent be,
Is clever in extreme, I’d say,
Though folks will hide some clever way.

For evil hates the light of day –
“Shoot from the shadows” is its way;
But then again, it’s shadows (just)
Which hide the evil one – who’s bust.

Lord, like the splitting atom way
Which started just before my day
Of birth – this new technology
Has changed our lives – that much I see.

For “Social networks” we all love,
Are at the core, with push and shove,
Of life below the Kingdom-layer –
“Community” – defined as “Care –

“For me, not you – I win; you lose;
Bring money, power, I’m of the few
Who should be running this fair town –
‘King of the mountain’– not some clown”.

O Lord, King of the Kingdom-layer,
Who bids each one of us prepare,
To be a fool each day for You –
That Kingdom come in which You rule –

The universe – and not just us,
Or evil one, whose curse of lust
Lures one and all to play his game –
Enfold each one within Your name.

Thanks Lord for this.
