“A Patch Of Purple”
It’s like it’s backwards, upside down,
How life’s conducted in this town;
All folks get choices – one per hand –
“Vote yes or No”; “Be friendly – bland”.Some churches are the friendly type,
Say “No” (about the others gripe”;
While others are affirming – “Yes”,
But grouchy are, quite bland at best.Then there are churches into “No”,
Who grouch about where e’er they go;
Depressing in extreme – quite sick –
No leader wants a part of it.Then, best of all are those who smile,
Include you in – “Bide here a while”,
They say at once – and mean it too –
Quick give you something you can do.At base it’s ’bout the power piece –
So little place to find release
For anyone within this town;
A sucky place to be around.Some play as “Urban wannabees”,
With urban hearts; and some of these
Pretend they care – until their loot
Gets threatened, then reveal their root –For urban key is “Cash”, out front
While rural do not charge – “Free lunch”,
But a run at tab of tip-for-tat;
Keep circle tight because of that.For it won’t work if folks move on –
Help others, then those folks are gone;
Life is exchange – it has to be;
Check Scripture, you’ll solution see.“Fill up your daily manna-pail,
Then help the weak and old” – entails
Both self and others factor in;
Food for today, and all will win.Mood matters not – just do it, man,
Control resource? Though food is bland,
Is springs up daily – decent fare
(Come Promised Land – no longer there).But attitudes can long persist –
“Core selfishness we’d best resist”;
The Yanks, and us, to some extent,
Have flipped this ’round as off we went –To seek our fortune, make our mark –
Greed’s “Unseen hand” as better part
Of life from their sick point of view;
“If you are weak, to heck with you.”Their view as pioneers, still here –
Pack-hunted, made their view quite clear –
“Eat or be eaten; screw the weak;
Consolidate and surplus keep.“You’re here to feather up my nest;
Expect for me you’ll do your best
To get me where I want to go;
For might makes right – ’twas always so.”Lord, that’s result since Eden’s day;
Appreciate Your Kingdom-way –
A place for us to stand, reflect,
And choose in You next better step.Help me this day to seek once more
Your better way, walk through that door,
And leave behind old Adam’s way –
Take up, in You, Your Kingdom’s sway.Thanks Lord for this.