“…He Descended Into Hell…” [Apostles Creed Series]
This day I feel the winds of God
As I awake – which might seem odd,
For here amidst this world of loot
Some feel the world gave God the boot.As if some parts where we might be
Are out of bounds, for we can see
Such dangers everywhere displayed –
So God-forsaken; folks afraid –Of leaves which blow with rustling sound;
Of shadows constantly around –
“This bit of hell I daily see
Must be the place where God can’t be”.But such was life when Jesus Christ
Walked here on earth – not very nice,
For crosses lined one road to show
What happens to rebellious souls.Disease was rampant – leprosy
Excluded folks, no med’sun we
Take soul for granted here on earth
In Western world, since time of birth.So Christ descended into hell;
Then after death, did that has well –
Set captives free, bids us to walk
His footsteps – not just talk the talk.“A place I now prepare for you;
I would have said if that’s not true –
The mansion of our God has rooms
Where evil lurks, awaiting brooms.“And I will be there aye with thee,
As you engage such hell with Me;
So, now you’re back up on your feet,
I’ve got some folks whom you should meet.”Thanks Lord for this.